Introducing “Flowers for Algernon”
Instructions Read each slide thoroughly. Then copy and paste the questions in a Word document. Answer each question underneath the question in at least a complete sentence. For some questions, you will need several sentences. Make sure your name, date, and period are typed on your paper.
Intelligence –First, define intelligence for yourself by answering the following questions: –1. What is an example of an intelligent action? –2. What is an example of an action that is not intelligent? –3. How do you personally show intelligence?
Multiple Intelligence Theory Now, go to the web site linked here: and skim the definitions of different types of intelligence. Answer these questions: 4. According to this theory, what is your predominant “intelligence?” 5. How do you show this intelligence? In other words, give an example of this intelligence in your life. 6. Do you think this theory is accurate? In other words, do you think there are different types of intelligence? Why or why not?
A Rorschach Test In “Flowers for Algernon,” the main character Charlie has to take a test called a Rorschach Test. In this test, a person is shown ink blots and asked what he/she sees. A psychologist analyzes the person’s response and draws a conclusion about his/her intelligence, sanity, or thought processes. 7. Let’s see how you would do. Pick at least three of the ink blots that follow and write what you see. Label your answers with the letter of the ink blot chosen.
I.Q. Look at the first graph on the page linked below 8. What is an “average” I.Q.? 9. What is a “below average” I.Q.? 10. At the beginning of the story we are about to read, Charlie, the main character, has an I.Q. of 70. What does this mean according to this scale? 11. What predictions can you make about Charlie based on this score? In other words, how do you expect him to behave? 12. This scale is hardly ever used anymore in education. Why do you think it is seldom used? For fun, you can take an online I.Q. test and see how you measure.