Countable and Uncountable Nouns Mr. LO Chung-kwong TPGSS August,2005 Junior Forms
Nouns It is a lion. It is a key I’d like to have some wine. Here is some paper.
Singular Nouns & Plural Nouns There is a tree. A singular noun I’ve got three cars. A plural noun
Which of the following are countable nouns ? AppleTable Hair Coin Water MoneyAir River Cup
RiceHairButter Jam AirHappiness
How to change a singular noun into plural There is a flower. There are three flowers. a. Add “s” to a noun
Exercise table chair mountain picture goat tables chairs mountains pictures goats
Add “es” to the noun b. Nouns ends in “s.. sh, ch, x” or “o” ClassesChurches BoxesBushes Potatoes
C.Nouns end with “f” – change to ves half - halves wolf - wolves loaf - loaves
D.Nouns end with “us” – change to “i” cactus - cacti nucleus - nuclei focus - foci
E.Nouns end with “is”- change to “es” thesis - theses crisis – crises analysis - analyses
F. Nouns end with “on” – change to “a” criterion - criteria phenomenon - phenomena
G. For some nouns, we change the whole word man - men foot - feet child - children person - people tooth - teeth mouse - mice
H. Some nouns are the same in singular and in plural Deer Cattle Sheep Fish ( Fishes – different species )
Tools: glasses, scissors, binoculars, forceps, tongs, tweezers Clothes: jeans, pants, pajamas, shorts, trousers I. Nouns that must take a plural form
Exercises 1.Book2.Tree3.Man 4. Knife5.Baby6.Person 7.Child8.Tomato9.Church 1.Books2.Trees3.Men 4.Knives5.Babies6.People/Persons 7.Children8.Tomatoes9.Churches
Useful links on countable and Uncountable Nouns