PGL EDUCATIONAL VISIT 2016 Monday 23 rd May – Wednesday 25 th May 2016
VENUE –Boreatton Park PGL Activity Centre Boreatton Park Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 2EZ Depart: Monday 23 rd May, approx 10am Return – Wednesday 25 th May, approx 4pm
STAFFING AND GROUPS There will be seven adults accompanying the children during this visit. These are Mr Colothan (Headteacher and visit co-ordinator), Mrs Newman, Mrs Cunliffe, Mr Price, Miss Banks, Mrs Prentki and Miss Davies. Children will be organised into working groups with children from Canon Sharples for activities (10 or 11 pupils per group), and will have at least one teacher with each group.
ACCOMMODATION Accommodation is in lodges, with bedrooms that sleep between four and six people. There are mattresses on all bunk beds with a bottom sheet. The children MUST bring their own sleeping bag and pillow as these WILL NOT be provided. Members of staff sleep in separate rooms within each of the lodges. Each bedroom has good washing and toilet facilities. Single gender accommodation groups have been organised and children were given the opportunity to chose who they share a room with.
MEALS Children will be provided with all meals during their stay at PGL. Meals will take place at the Dining Hall and children will be given a range of choices. Children will be expected to help clear away after they have eaten and will be responsible for keeping the dining area clean and tidy. Children may bring their own treats if they wish (No glass bottles please!) Children will also be given an opportunity to use the shop. Please do not send any more than £10 and all money must be given to the group leader in a labelled purse/wallet or money bag.
ACTIVITIES Children will be given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of Outdoor Adventurous Activities. These include kayaking, giant swing, zip wire, low ropes, high ropes, problem solving and orienteering. Fully qualified and trained staff will lead each activity and groups will always be accompanied by members of teaching staff. PGL have produced detailed risk assessments of all activities, which we hold at school and the trip has been endorsed by Wigan Educational Visits Advisor. Children will be provided with waterproofs and safety helmets for all relevant activities.
EQUIPMENT SLEEPING BAG AND PILLOW Towels (two for outdoor activities, one for washing) Wash kit Torch Two pairs of sensible outdoor shoes or trainers One pair of old pumps or trainers for water activities Outdoor coat or anorak (waterproofs are borrowed from the Centre) Trousers Swimwear TALENT SHOW props!!! Warm Jumper or Fleece T-shirts Night-clothes Underwear Tracksuit or similar (jeans are not suitable) Socks Hat and gloves Books, comics etc Large polythene bag for dirty clothes Sun protection Disco clothes Other clothes at your discretion Children will need to bring several sets of old clothes. PLEASE be advised to write your child’s name on all clothes items. Please DO NOT send items of value including mobile phones, IPODs and handheld games as the children are responsible for the carrying and security of their own belongings.
ADMINISTRATION Good behaviour is essential to an enjoyable visit for all. School staff are responsible for maintaining discipline at all times. Fully qualified First Aid Staff are on call 24 hours a day. All medicine should be handed to members of staff with precise written details regarding times and method of administration (please use enclosed medical form). Please do not ask your child to telephone you. The weekend leaves little free time and the use of public telephones is very restricted. Please let us know if your child has any specific dietary needs. PGL require any information regarding dietary and medical needs. MANY THANKS