Service Learning: Research Paper Rough Draft Steps to Starting a Google Doc
1. Open Google Chrome
2. Log on to your school gmail account
3. Click this:
4. Go to Drive:
5. Go to your classes’ folder:
6. Click on the document:
7. Click File -> Make a copy…
8. Delete “copy of”:
9. Replace (Your Name) with your name:
10. Click Share:
11. Type “Nugent” into the invite section unclick “ notify people via ” then hit send:
12. Then hit done and start typing into the document:
Peer Editing How to share your document with a classmate
1. Click Share
2. Type in the classmate that will be peer editing your paper’s name.
3. Click Send.
4. Then click done.
5. Go to your and open your peer’s document.
6. Read your peer’s rough draft and fill out the peer editing forms