FORMAT Times New Roman or Courier New 12 point font 1 inch margins DOUBLE SPACE Proper indenting (NES: No Extra Space) Black ink Student ID number in the heading (upper right hand of paper) AND page number Hand write your name at the top of Rough Draft only
TITLE Centered No underline, bold face, italics Cannot be your thesis OR topic
WORKS CITED PAGE Titled like this: Works Cited NOT like this: WORKS CITED Works Cited Work Cited Works Citied Works Cited Page
WORKS CITED Formatted the same way as the rest of the paper Does not count as one of the pages of research Include ONLY the sources you used in your paper…NOT the ones you read but then didn’t use. Check for cross referencing: FIRST THING I will do. If your sources do not cross reference, it will receive no higher than a 4.
WHAT TO EXPECT First draft of paper will receive a score (AP 1-9) First draft of MLA will also receive a score (AP 1-9) If/when you decide to make revisions, you will receive another score (hopefully, a higher one). Remember: Sum 1 grade for paper, Sum 1 grade for MLA.