Rural Kansas R3 Project Presented by Brenda Krumm, Tracy Rhine, & Amber Vail March 27, 2008 This project is funded in part (79%) by a grant under the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.
Background The President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative A focuses on industry-specific, critical workforce shortages. Healthcare is an identified industry February 21, 2007 – US Secretary of Labor announced $2.5 million for approaches meeting challenges of the long-term care industry under the President’s HGJT Initiative. Target area: Rural America
Timeline February 21, 2007 – Grant Announcement – anticipated funding 5 grants at $500,000 each March 5, 2007 – Webinar for Applicants April 5, 2007 – Applications Due June 26, 2007 –Awards Announced – 6 awards NCCC received $495,000 Other recipients included: Capital Workforce Partners of North Central Connecticut The Mississippi Hospital Association The University of Alaska in Anchorage The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments The Workforce Investment Boards of New York
Rural Kansas R3 Project Source: US Census, 2000 This chart illustrates the increasing gap in the number of Kansas residents age 65 and older and the number of traditional caregivers (females age 25-44) over a 30 year period.
Partners EducationHealth CareAgencies CUSD 101 –ErieChanute HealthcareLWIB – Area II USD 413 – ChanuteHeritage HealthcareLWIB – Area V USD 290 – OttawaEudora Nursing CenterDepartment of Commerce USD348 – BaldwinAnderson County Hosp KS Registered Apprenticeship USD 365 – GarnettAngels Care Home HealthKS Healthcare Association USD 287 – West FranklinOttawa Retirement VillageArea Agency on Aging USD 289 – Wellsville Golden Heights Living CenterKS Assoc of Homes & Services for the Aging USD EudoraPioneer Ridge Health Care KS Dept of Social & Rehab Services Prairie Mission RetirementHeartland Works Guest Homes Estates II, III, VIII First Presbyterian Church
Staff Amber Vail – Health Occupations Coordinator for Neosho County – grant funded Karla Jamison – Health Occupations Coordinator for Franklin/Douglas Counties – grant funded Tracy Rhine – Project Coordinator – NCCC funded Brenda Krumm – Grant Supervisor – NCCC funded Brandi Poydack – Administrative Assist – NCCC funded
Partners together in Wichita
Partners at Lawrence Facility Ribbon Cutting
What are we doing? 1.Recruiting new caregivers Middle School Children – Career Exploration
High School Students Encore Career Generation
Career Fairs
2.Retraining/Training caregivers Paid Nutrition Assistant Caregiver Course Certified Nurse Aide Home Health Aide 3.Retaining caregivers Mentoring programs at long-term care facilities Support services for caregivers Acknowledgement/recognition of caregivers
High School Curriculum Partnerships Participating Schools – Chanute, Erie, Baldwin City & Wellsville Grant hires instructor for 2 years After two year of grant funded instruction, the schools may opt to submit Health Science as a vocationally funded program. Anticipate successful 2 years justifying maintaining the instructor/coordinators
Health Science Pathway Includes 4 *certificates enabling students to work in the field of healthcare. Year 1 9 Credit Hours *Paid Nutrition Assistant, 1 cr *Nurse Aide, 6 cr *Home Health Aide, 2 cr Requirement: Must meet minimum reading requirement and be a junior or senior Year 2 8 Credit Hours Medical Terminology, 3 cr *Medication Aide, 5 cr Requirement: Must meet minimum reading requirement and have successfully completed Year 1. Scholarship $500 + Books
Grant Outcomes 1.Recruiting 20 middle school visits/year 20 high school visits/year 5 visits to Area Agency on Aging/year 20 visits with WIA Agencies/year 3.Retaining Positive placement of 80% of program completers Retention of 60% of completers Average earning increase of 5% of starting wage for nurse aides for completers 2.Retraining/Training – by end of project 100% in home health aides 25% in nurse aides 25% increase in LPN/RN enrollment Train 30 certified paid nutrition assist. Increase nurse aide certification by 5% 4.Sustaining Continue project beyond federal funding
Outcome PROJECT OUTCOME TOTALS Status This Quarter Cumulative Status Percent Complete 1. RECRUIT 20 middle school visit/year BL: 05/06 middle school visits = % 20 high school visits/year BL: 05/06 high school visits = % 5 visits to Area Agency Aging/year BL: 05/06 AA on Aging visits = % 20 visits with WIA Agencies/year BL: 05/06 WIA visits = % 2. TRAIN - by end of project 100% increase in home health aides BL: 05/06 = 25 home health aides trained % 25% increase in nurse aides BL: 05/06 = 318 nurse aides trained % 25% increase in LPN/RN enrollment BL: 05/06 = 91 LPN/RN enrollees in Nursing I % Train 30 certified paid nutrition assistants BL: 05/06 = 0 paid nutrition assistants % 5% increase in nurse aides certified BL: 05/06 = 91% or 289 nurse aides certified % 3. RETAIN Positive placement of 80% completers BL: 05/06 = 60% placement rate 80% 11 placements NA Retention rate of 60% BL: 05/06 = 1% retention rate (according to KAHSA) 60%11 retained NA Average earnings increase of 5% from starting wage for nurse aides BL: 05/06 = $ 7.83 average starting wage 5% Average wage $7.67 NA 4. SUSTAIN Quarterly partner meetings/updates BL: 05/06 = No regularly scheduled partner meetings 121 quarterly update3 partner meetings/updates 25% complete
Mobile Training Laboratory/Truck COMING SOON……. Mobile training laboratory to go to high schools and communities in our service area to provide training!
Why is it good???? Exciting Project Great Partnerships – Establishing new and strengthening existing Training Programs to Benefit the Community Learning Opportunity for Staff
Thank You