Embedding ELPS, CCSS, and GLAD Strategies through Co-planning and Co-teaching
Presenter Contact Information Casey Harkleroad, ELL/Dual Language Facilitator, Lake Hills Elementary Former Kindergarten and First Grade Dual Language Partner Teacher Susan Foley, ELL/Dual Language Facilitator, Sherwood Forest Elementary GLAD Trainer, Bellevue School District, Bellevue, WA
Inclusion Activity When you hear a category to which you belong: – Stand – Look around the room – Make eye contact with other individuals standing up – Sit back down at the signal or as the next statement is made
Learning Outcomes In this presentation, you will deepen your understanding of: How We have Built a Culture of Collaboration within the Bellevue School District Title I Schools – The Role of an Instructional Leadership Team in Adopting School-wide Promising Practices – Team-based Planning Expectations Components of an Effective Team-based Planning Document for Language and Literacy Development The relationship between Content, CCSS, ELPS, and GLAD Strategies
Responding to Signals Zero Noise Signal
Building a Culture of Collaboration within Our Title I Schools Effective Team-based Collaborative Planning Starts with a Strong Building Leadership Team
The Instructional Leadership Team meets on a Bi-monthly Basis to Guide the Staff in: 1. Analyzing summative assessment data for areas of growth 2. Developing school-wide goals based on identified areas of growth 3. Examining curriculum and instruction inside and outside of district for best practices 5. Providing professional development and follow up support 6. Progress Monitoring and Assess 4. Selecting new instructional practices Instructional Leadership Team Staff Support Cycle
All Bellevue School District Title I Certificated Teachers have: An ELL Endorsement Co-teaching Training English Language Proficiency Standard (ELPS) Training In addition, all Bellevue School District ELL and Dual Language Certificated Facilitators have: Tier I Guided Language Acquisition Design(GLAD) Certification
Promising Practice Guided Language Acquisition Design(GLAD) Project GLAD is a model of professional development in the area of language acquisition and literacy. The strategies model promote English language acquisition, academic achievement, and cross- cultural skills. Project GLAD is an instructional model with clear, practical strategies promoting positive, effective interactions among students and between teachers and students.
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education Strand 3: Instruction
Turn and Talk What professional development opportunities does your district provide you with to support your Dual and English language learners?
Building a Culture of Collaboration within Our Title I Schools Grade Level Team Meetings
A Culture of Team-based Planning Grade Level Team Meetings Teams meet weekly An agenda is sent out beforehand Team members determine curriculum focal points Team members have roles: agenda organizer, time keeper, note taker, and facilitator. ELL and Dual Language Facilitators meet with Grade Level Teams to embed promising practices into units
Building a Culture of Collaboration within Our Title I Schools First Grade Team Meetings
Dual Language Science Planning
What do we Bring to a Science Planning Session? Foss Science Teacher’s Guide GLAD Pacing Guide for Sherwood Forest Adopted Strategies GLAD artifacts Common Core and English Language Proficiency Standards Science Summative Assessment Team Planning Template
What does the Foss Teacher’s Guide provide us with? Content Objectives Target Vocabulary Thinking Processes Lesson Plans: Investigation Challenges Whole Group Wrap up at Carpet Content Chart-elicit, paraphrase, and record concepts relating to challenge Word Bank-elicit, paraphrase, and record vocabulary relating to challenge Formative Assessment Resources
GLAD Strategies
Language Partner and Seating Expectations
Language Partner Expectations Overview Document Language Partners GLAD: 10/2, 5/1: GLAD: Cooperative Learning GLAD: Numbered Heads:
Content Objectives, Thinking Processes, and Target Vocabulary
Common Core Language and Literacy Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards
Unit Excerpts
Literacy Award-3 States of Matter
Unit Excerpt
Observation Chart
Unit Excerpt
Turn and Talk to the Person Next to you What critical pieces should be embedded into a content-based lesson, to ensure that Dual Language Learners are developing their English language and literacy skills?
Q and A
Learning Log What I learnedOne question I have
Collaboration and Preparation Co-teaching Models: 1.One Teacher Teaches, One Assesses One teacher can circulate and assess targeted students with English Language Continuum. 2.One Teacher Models, One Teacher Observes Instruction One teacher can see GLAD strategy that they have not tried before One teacher can see a content lesson they have not tried before 3.Two Groups: Two Teachers Teach Same Content Students in each group have more opportunities to interact, provide answers, and have their responses monitored by the teacher. 4.Two Groups: Teachers Teach Different Content and Switch Students in each group have more opportunities to interact, provide answers, and have their responses monitored by the teacher.
How GLAD Promising Practices Integrated into our Planning Document GLAD Pacing Guide