Eliseo Lugo III
Today we will be discussing the following topics: 1. Daily Classroom procedures 2. Classroom Expectations 3. Course Grading Guidelines and Rubric 4. Current Events 5. Senior Research Paper and Internship Program 6. What is Law?
2. Upon entering class everyday, students are to answer an admission ticket question and copy down the days objectives into their notebooks. 3. Students will be penalized for late arrival that may result in lunch or afterschool detention. 4. Students must at all times respect one another. 5. Students must participate actively in all discussions /lessons. 6. At the conclusion of each class, students must submit their exit ticket questions, located on the opposite side of their admission tickets.
1. All students are expected to arrive on time and be ready to work. 2. Students are expected to be respectful of each other at all times. 3. Students may not leave the room for bathroom or drink breaks. 4. Students are expected to maintain a notebook that will be provided for them at the start of each quarter. This notebook will be graded as an assessment at the end of the quarter. 5. Students are expected to copy down all objectives and notes from PowerPoint Presentations into their notebooks. 6. Students are expected to make arrangements to make up any work, time, or assignments they may have missed due to absence.
This class will consist of the following areas that will determine your overall grade: 1. Textbook, Online Assignments, Notebook, and Current Events = 13% 2. Class Participation and Attitude = 12% 3. Individual and Group Projects = 25% 4. Formative Assessments (Tests and Quizzes) = 50%
All class work will be graded on a 10 point grading system. (Not including Projects or Assessments) Class work that is submitted on time* and completed correctly may receive the maximum score of 10. Submitting assignments late will result in a 1-point penalty for every day the assignment is late Quality of work will also be considered when grading class work. Individual and group projects will be graded on a 100 point grading system with corresponding rubric that outline criteria for all potential grades. All formative assessments (Tests and Quizzes) will be graded on a 100 point grading system
1 day late = Maximum score possible is a 9. 2 days late = Maximum score possible is a 8 3 days late = Maximum score possible is a 7. 4 days late = Maximum score possible is a 6 5 days late = Maximum score possible is a 5 6 days late = Maximum score possible is a 4 7 days late = Maximum score possible is a 3. 8 days late = Maximum score possible is a 2 9 days late or more = Maximum score possible is a 1* * “On time” is any assignment that is submitted by the end of the day on the day the assignment is due. Although the maximum score allowed after an assignment is 9 days late or more is a 1, it is imperative that all assignments be submitted!
There will be one current event due every Thursday. Every article must deal with either: national, economic or legal news involving the United States. NO LOCAL NEWS! Each article URL or clipping must be attached to your review. Articles should be diverse in nature. In other words, do not submit every article based on the same subject.
Each review must contain the following information: Who the article is about. What the article is about. Where the article takes place. Why the article is relevant for this class. Your opinion on the article. Each article submitted will be counted as they are due. Articles submitted early will earn an additional five points.
Submitting Current Events Online into Lugo’s inbox 1.Research and Find Article 2.Paste Article into A Microsoft Word Document 3.Construct Current Event following guidelines 4.Save Article and Review appropriately. 5.Place Completed Article into my Inbox.
Key Requirements for submitting Current Event Articles into my inbox 1.Your name must be on the Top of the Article 2.Your class Period must be at the top of the Article 3.You must name your Current Event as follows: a.Name and class period must be present on title for proper placement of article in correct folder, b.Number of Current Event must also be in title c.(Example: Eliseo Lugo Period 3 Current Events #1) 4.Article being referenced MUST BE ATTACHED to your review. 5.All requirements must be met to receive full credit. All submitted and corrected Current Events will be placed and stored in a corresponding electronic folder. There will be no hard copies (paper) of current events.
Each student MUST compose a Senior Research Paper Students will have two quarters to complete their research papers The format for the Senior Research Paper is very specific but, do NOT PANIC. We will get through this together.
Select Your Topic (See attached suggestion list) You are to use a MINIMUM of six sources. Works consulted must be submitted along with Research Paper. The completed report must be a minimum of five word-processed pages. These pages do not include the title page, table of contents, or the bibliography. All work must be double-spaced using 12point Times New Roman font Topic List for Senior Projects Directions: 1.Select one of the topics attached for your project 2.Narrow down your topic to one of the specific issues listed 3. Write a research paper on the specific topic 4. You must include your point of view on the topic selected
You MUST use a minimum of five different kinds of sources. These may be: a. Encyclopedia b. Newspaper c. Magazines d. Almanacs e. Television or Radio shows f. Books g. Maps or Charts h. Journals i. Internet Sources
Gather Information from: a. Computers b. Materials in social studies classrooms c. Community School Library d. White Plains Library e. Home f. Agencies or Organizations
Topic #1. Discrimination in the United States a. Discriminating Group b. Discriminated Group c. Area of United States d. Time period in United States history Topic # 2 Capital Punishment a. Costs b. Time Period c. Role of the Courts d. Area of the United States e. Punishment throughout the world Topic # 3 Prisons a. Rehabilitation vs. Punishment b. State vs. Federal c. Compare U.S. Courts against Courts around the world Topic #4 Gangs a. A specific Gang b. West Coast vs. East Coast Gangs c. Suburban Gangs d. Specific Time period in United States History Topic #5 Gun Control a. Pros and Cons (you must pick one side) b. State vs. Federal c. Public Responsibilities d. Individual Responsibilities e. Time Period in United States History Directions: 1.Select one of the topics below for your project 2.Narrow down your topic to one of the specific issues listed 3. Write a research paper on the specific topic 4. You must include your point of view on the topic selected
Content & Organization (5 points each = 40 points total) ___ An effective Introduction which is shaped to a thesis ___ Total length of paper no less than 4 typed pages ___ Supported arguments effectively with expert opinion, examples, or data ___ Quotations accurately placed and properly credited ___ A logical progression of ideas ___ Used transitions effectively ___ One idea for each paragraph ___ A strong conclusion which briefly recaps the essay and restates the thesis _____ # of Points Deducted
Use of Sources & Documentation: (5 points each = 30 points total) ___ Introduced sources, identifying them correctly and giving their credentials ___ Accurate quotes utilized without plagiarizing ___ Explained what the quotations meant ___ Required number of sources from different mediums ___ A well prepared Works Cited with correct MLA documentation ___ Selected effective, current sources for the paper ______ # of Points Deducted
Mechanics, Style, & Paper format: (5 points each = 30 points total) ___ Paper Format: (title page,11/2 inch margins,12 point Times New Roman font, Page numbers on the bottom, appropriate length ___ Clear and concise sentences; few awkward or unclear sentences ___ No excessive repetition ___ Appropriate use of words and terms ___ Correct spelling, punctuation and no more than 5 uncorrected typos ___ Position of writer clearly illustrated ______ # of Points Deducted
_____ Total Points Deducted _____ Points for Inclusion of Rough Draft & Sources from research(Maximum of 5 points) _____ Grand Total of Points Deducted _____ % Paper Grade _____ Letter Grade for Paper
During the 4 th Quarter of the year, all eligible Seniors will conduct a Senior Internship. The internship will last for the entire 4 th quarter. Internships will be discussed at length during the 3 rd quarter. All students must complete pre-internship requirements BEFORE beginning their internships. We will discuss the Senior Internships in greater detail at the start of the 3 rd quarter
Why is it important for a civilized Society to have established laws and penalties for violations of laws? Answer this question on your exit ticket.