Business Planning How to skip the boring bits Ed Baker
So What is a Business Plan? Discuss
What does it normally include? Discuss
What does it normally include? Plan Outline 1.0 Executive Summary –MissionMission –ObjectivesObjectives –Keys to SuccessKeys to Success 2.0 Company Summary 3.0 Products 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 6.0 Management Summary 7.0 Financial Plan Appendix
When will you need one? Discuss
Why is a plan important for you?
To have a Strategic Plan for the medium term (1 to 3 years) The only plan that is of any use is the one that you will pursue - It must be for your clients and your charity - It is a living document that cannot be set in stone Needs to have clear and agreed objectives / goals –With tactics / actions of how they will be achieved –Progress monitoring is needed of the keys of success Review – Assess - Action
What is important for you? Discuss
Do not get hung up with the names in your plan Mission - Vision Values Goals / Objectives – Success Keys Strategy / Tactics - Milestones
All Charities have : A set of Objects that you must abide by (they can be changes/undated with CC permission) Desires and ideas to move from where you are to where you want to be. In simple terms how to get from Point A to Point B Longer term goals A need to spend quality time planning the way forward, then agreeing and capturing concisely how to do it
Things to consider! The value of business planning is in the process, not the final document Write a business plan that’s right for the clients of your Charity # Use your plan as a management tool and to build a better Charity Don’t be scared to use a plan from another charity as your template, plus inspiration and ideas For very small charities this could look more like a list of things to do # without a profitable survival you cannot help anyone
Where to find further help? There are hundreds of thousands of examples on the web, from free - ultra expensive Surrey Community Action ACEVO, NAVCA, NCVO, CC,.gov, PRINCES TRUST, Banks and funders