Muon Detectors Tile Calorimeter Liquid Argon Calorimeter Solenoid Magnet Toroid Magnets 46m 22m SemiConductor Tracker(SCT) Pixel Detector Transition Radiation Tracker Weight= 7000 t ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Assessment and Performance with Calibration, Cosmic and First Beam Data. Institut de Física d'Altes Energies Barcelona (Spain) Matteo Volpi on behalf of ATLAS Collaboration TileCal 11th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy) May , 2009 ATLAS ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It is going to start in Spring 2009 and it is designed to fully exploit the exciting opportunities for fundamental discoveries at the next high-energy frontier. The collider parameters are: - proton-proton collision at center of mass energy of 14 TeV - design luminosity of cm −2 s −1 The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a scintillator/iron sampling calorimeter, covering the region up to |η| < 1.7; it is divided into three cylindrical sections, referred to as the barrel and extended two barrels (EB). Each cylinder is composed of 64 equal modules staggered in Φ. The total number of read-out channels is ~ Its main purposes are to contribute to the jet energy and Missing ET reconstruction and to the identification of muon particles. One module is read by 45 or 32 PMTs. Trigger-Tower and ROD based on Δη × Δφ=0.1×0.1 Energy resolution The assessment of the expected detector performance is done through the acquisition, monitoring, reconstruction and validation of calibration signals as well as by careful analysis of the data obtained with the detector during cosmic runs and with the first LHC beam. A set of dedicated tools has been developed constituting the final Tile data quality system and it is highly integrated with all ATLAS online and offline frameworks. Cesium-System : Cesium-System : calibrate/monitor scintillator/optical system -Cs 137 γ Source passes through cells and the phototube current is integrated - Tool to set up EM scale : pC to GeV - Accuracy of a single tile response evaluation is better than 2%. Laser-System : correction for the gain linearity and stability in time of the PMTs; precise synchronization of the read-out channels timing. Charge injection system (CIS) : Calibrate Front-End Circuit (FEC) shaping and digitizing circuit. -Inject the defined charge into FECs. -Provide the conversion of ADC count into pC for low/high gains with a accuracy of 0.7%. Variation of the CIS constants is 0.1% in 6 month period. Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Assessment (DQA) The main purpose of Tile Calorimeter calibration system is to deliver TileCal cells calibrated at the electromagnetic scale. Fig.1: DQ Infrastructure. Online and Offline monitoring The goals of DQ are: -to study the data and provide a first feedback in 2-3 hours -to update the detector conditions before the bulk reconstruction Starts in 24 hours from the end of the run. The detector status is also evaluated in calibration runs: CAF Monitoring/DQ (Calibration streams) Shifter tools: Shifter tools: The Online Histogram Presenter (OHP) is the ATLAS tool to display Histograms produced by the online monitoring system. List of DQA deliverables: -All DQA assessment have to be fulfilled using automatic DQMF checks. -Identify Dead/Hot channels in physics runs -Identify Digital errors from the decoding of the DQ fragment -Identify other non physical sources of high pT and MET ( e.g. bad timed signals, corrupted data, drawer not sending data,...) -Identify noisy channels using Noise/DB noise reference checks -Check the detector timing, and trigger signals -Provide detector information to Jet/MET performance The Offline DQMF results are also propagated to COOL offline database containing the detector status. Tile Calorimeter Performance with cosmic rays and LHC single beam data Fig.5: Read out and Calibration Diagrams. Fig.3: Online monitoring: Atlantis display of cosmic muon event. Online ATLAS event displays and Data Quality Monitoring Framework (DQMF) perform automatic checks to assess DQ. Fig.8: 8-fold structure in phi of the beam splash events. The structure is due to the End Cap toroid material in front of TileCal for particles coming from the C-side. The up -down asymmetry is also due to the material in front of the detector. Effect observed in OHP Monitoring during the shift. Fig.9: Electronic Noise as a function of time from the start of ATLAS continuous running in Aug 2008 to the opening of the detector in November 2008 for the Tile Calorimeter. The relative variation in time is within 1%. Fig.10:Timing of TileCal signals recorded with single beam data. The average TOF corrected time over all cells with the same phi coordinate is shown in TOF corrected time over all cells with the same phi coordinate is shown in function of the cell Z (along beam axis) coordinate, for all three radial samplings. The visible discontinuities at Z= 0, ± 3000 mm are due to the uncorrected time differences between the four TileCal partitions. Within each partition, an almost flat distribution (within 2 ns) was observed, demonstrating the excellent time equalization performed with laser data, as in the first beam date. equalization performed with laser data, as in the first beam date. Fig.7: Tool to update the bad channel list trough the web. Fig.11: Direct correlation between cosmic results and beam Fig.11: Direct correlation between cosmic results and beam results. Cosmic cell time response vs beam cell time response both referenced to the time of one channel. referenced to the time of one channel. During 2008, the Tile Calorimeter was commissioned in a series of integration tests with the other ATLAS sub-detectors, trigger and DAQ systems. The trigger system was specially configured for cosmic events. Cosmic data was analyzed to verify the Data Preparation of the Tile Calorimeter. The commissioning of the detector culminated in Sept when the Large Hadronic Collider (LHC) circulated proton beams at the energy of 450 GeV in both beam pipes for the first time. TileCal work in Progress ATLAS Preliminary EBA LBA LBC EBC LAr EM barrel Tile barrel Tile extended barrel LAr forward calorimeter (FCAL) LAr EM end-cap(EMEC) LAr hadronic end-cap (HEC) C-side A-side Fig.2 : Online monitoring: Average cell energy vs module for EBC partition. Occupancy plot from OHP display Fig.6: CIS scan Amplitude and DQMF checks. On the plots, the reconstructed signal amplitude divided by the injected charge calculated for each capacitor used. Fig.4 Offline monitoring. Left: ATLAS DQMF summary. Right: muon energy loss per mm (data obtained with run 91891). Offline Monitoring/DQ of physics runs. The DQA of physics data is called Tier0 DQ. Monitoring of the physics performance of the detector. Integrated in ATLAS-wide monitoring and DQMF. ATLAS DQMF results published on the web for validation.