Draw Your Plan for Student Success CONNECT 2016
Derrick Millard Professor Critical Media Studies and Computer Applications Sheridan College
Who are you? Turn to the people around you. Explain: Who you are. What motivated you to attend today? What course are you teaching/ developing that you are passionate about (re)designing? What are the big picture themes, concepts, or goals of the course? What are the students doing in this course? How is the course organized?
“The good, the bad, and the ugly” We all have them
Think- Pair-Share What is your good, bad, and ugly?
Think What are the LOs? Are there themes? Do the themes build one each, intersect or are they isolated elements? What are the modules/weeks/themes/…? How do the LOs and the themes connect? How do all of these connect to the assessments? Do the assessments lead to each other and/or to the modules?
Good Start… but there needs to be more Having the idea is just the first step. How do the ideas connect? How does the course flow? How does the content interrelate? How can we explain our passion to others?
OrientationDefinitionsIdentityStatusPowerFuture Welcome Course Organization Intro to SLATE Professor Intro Student Bio Marking and Rubrics Online Learning Plagiarism Social Media Social Networking What is the Difference? Scope of Course Chat 1 What is Identity? How is Identity Different Online? What is Your Identity Online? Managing Identity Reflective Critique 1 What is Status? In the Real World In the Virtual World Social Capital Obtaining Status Managing And Maintaining Status Group Contract Chat 2 Reflective Critique 2 What is Power? Participatory Culture Citizen Journalism Cyberbullying Filtering Filter Bubbles Chat 3 Reflective Critique 3 Future Predictions Social Media 2025 Group Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Self-Reflection
Orientation Welcome Course Organizatio n Intro to SLATE Professor Intro Student Bio Marking and Rubrics Online Learning Plagiarism Definitions Social Media Social Networking What is the Difference? Scope of Course Chat 1 Identity What is Identity? How is Identity Different Online? What is Your Identity Online? Managing Identity Reflective Critique 1 Status What is Status? In the Real World In the Virtual World Social Capital Obtaining Status Managing And Maintaining Status Group Contract Chat 2 Reflective Critique 2 Power What is Power? Participatory Culture Citizen Journalism Cyberbullying Filtering Filter Bubbles Chat 3 Reflective Critique 3 Future Future Predictions Social Media 2025 Group Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Self- Reflection
Technology and Our Future Technology and Our Changing World Technology and Our Perceptions Technology and Society We are Technology Definition
Understanding by Design “If you don’t know exactly where you are headed, then any road will get you there.” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005)
How it ties Together Pre-Exposure Priming Students Previewing Priming Reviewing Revising
One more kick at the can Revisit your drawing
Get A HOLD OF #CybernationInTheNews