Current activities and short term plans 24/04/2015 P. Hristov
Recent events: CHEP’15 “CWG13” presentations – Mohammad: ALFA: The new ALICE-FAIR software frameworkALFA: The new ALICE-FAIR software framework – Matthias:A design study for the upgraded ALICE O2 computing facilityA design study for the upgraded ALICE O2 computing facility – Alexey: Efficient time frame building for online data reconstruction in ALICE experimentEfficient time frame building for online data reconstruction in ALICE experiment – Aram (best poster in track 8 + lightning talk): Optimizing the transport layer of the ALFA framework for the Intel Xeon Phi co-processorOptimizing the transport layer of the ALFA framework for the Intel Xeon Phi co-processor
Recent event: CHEP’15 HLT talks – Mikolaj: The ALICE High Level Trigger, status and plansThe ALICE High Level Trigger, status and plans – David: Fast TPC online tracking on GPUs and asynchronous data-processing in the ALICE HLT to enable online calibrationFast TPC online tracking on GPUs and asynchronous data-processing in the ALICE HLT to enable online calibration General talks – Thorsten: Computing at FAIRComputing at FAIR
Recent events: CHEP’15 Other talks – Graeme Stewart: Evolution of Computing and Software at LHC: from Run 2 to HL-LHCEvolution of Computing and Software at LHC: from Run 2 to HL-LHC – Niko Neufeld: Future of DAQ Frameworks and Approaches, and Their Evolution toward ‘Internet of Things’Future of DAQ Frameworks and Approaches, and Their Evolution toward ‘Internet of Things’
Recent events: O2 TDR submitted on 20/04/2015 Dear all, The TDR has been submitted yesterday to the LHCC. Congratulations to all for your hard work leading to the timely submission of this important document ! You can find here the document submitted: We will still wait a few weeks for the first feedback from the LHCC before printing it. This is why there is also a version with the line numbers so that we could keep track of typos and mistakes that might still be present in this version Best regards, Mikolaj, Predrag and Pierre
Short term plans TDR: answer the questions “Infrastructure” – DDS (Anar, Andrei) Possibility to implement full TPC reconstruction chain Next DDS working session in June/July (see Doodle poll)see Doodle poll – ALFA (Mohammad) – Logging facility (Sylvain) – Documentation, Twiki, JIRA, Indico minutes (Peter)
Short term plans Data transfer – Integration of Zookeeper service (Alexey?) Reconstruction – “Realistic” emulated time frames in HLT format (Matthias) – Infrastructure for time frame building (Nicolas?) – New raw data format (Peter?) – Native reconstruction device using Hough transform (Charis) – Additional tests after the update of DDS (Matthias)
Short term plans Reconstruction – ITS reconstruction (Maximiliano?) – Native (no HLT wrapper) CA reconstruction device (?) Simulation – ITS digitization (Markus?) – TPC simulation (Jens?) – Simulation of time frames using the general infrastructure (?)
Short term plans Calibration – Example of calibration device on FLP (?) – Example of calibration device on EPN (?) – New OCDB design (?)