AQA Religion and Life Issues LO: To explore issues in this unit
The Big Day…. The 17 th May at 1.30pm. Revision guide recommended to buy: Religion and life issues GCSE religious studies for AQA B Revision Guide edited by Lesley Parry. ISBN:
What topics have I studied… 1.Religion and animal rights 2.Religion and planet earth 3.Religion and prejudice 4.Religion and early life 5.Religion and war
In the exam… One topic is on one page … YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON THE PAGE for the topic you have chosen. You will need to repeat this 4 times…
Animal Rights
You need to know… 1.Different ideas about the status of animals. 2.Animal rights and protecting those rights. 3.The issue of animal extinction and preservation of endangered animals. 4.How we use and abuse animals in the modern world. 5.Issues surrounding farming and slaughter of animals. 6.Attitudes of diet.
Are animals equal to humans?? Yes All created equal All live in the same world and depend on the same resources Dependent on each other Just different species of the same world. No Humans are autonomous and self- conscience. Human are cleverer God gave humans control over the animals Humans have a soul (st. Thomas Aquinas ) Impact of humans is greater so not equal. We can kill animals but cannot kill other humans.
How do humans and animals differ? 1.Humans have greater impact – buildings, clearing land, potentially destroying. 2.Humans use logic and reason to work things out. 3.Humans have a soul - Aquinas 4.Humans communicate in more complex ways. Religion...(CHRISTIAN).... God created animals then humans. Humans are more important (dominion). Humans can use animals for their benefit. Humans have a responsibility to look after the animals (Stewardship). Abusing animals have a consequence in our future life ‘The righteous are not cruel to animals’
Vegetarian Why? Medical problems Don’t like the taste Disagree with farming methods Think it is morally wrong to eat meat. Religious rules. It is CRUEL!!!!! Christians Many Christians do not eat meat on Fridays because Jesus died on a Friday. Slaughter of animals Judaism/Islam it is fine to eat MOST meats, but the animal has to be ritually slaughtered. This means a prayer of thanks has to be said before the kill and the throat is slit. ‘The weak in faith do not eat meat’ (Romans 14) What does this mean????
Look at the following list of how humans use and abuse animals. List the KEY ISSUES (negative and positive) for each one. Workers for transport Companions and helpers Farming Hunting Sport Zoos and Safari Parks Genetic Modification Animal Experiments Fur and Ivory Trade Bull fighting
Christian Biblical quotes ‘"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." (Proverbs 12:10) “Rise, Peter, kill, and eat” (Acts 10:9-13). When Cain and Abel offered gifts to the Lord, Abel gave the Lord the fat he cut off the hides of his flock whereas Cain gave the Lord a fruit and vegetable tray – and we know how that story ended…. Stewardship – This is world is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants (Leviticus 25:23) Deuteronomy 25:4 “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.” Luke 12:6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight.”
How do I get an A* … To use B iblical quotes… To e xplain the meaning of the quote. A s entence to link quote to question. (This is classed as a BES point)
Exam questions …. Explain religious attitudes to experiments on animals. Use religious beliefs and teachings in your answer…. (4 marks) To achieve the 4 marks you will need at least 3 BES’,…. Remember to highlight command and keywords.
Explain religious attitudes to experiments on animals. Use religious beliefs and teachings in your answer….Answer Animal experiments are experiments carried out using a…………… as the test subject, such as testing cosmetic toxicity or new d…………. Most Christians believe that God created the w………… This means that the animals belong to God and Christians might say that animal experiments are c……… and disrespects God. Some Christians believe the R……….. Look after the needs of their animals. This means that to be in God’s grace you must not harm animals and experiments on animals could be seen as a bad s………………. Some Christians believe that God gave humans d………… This means that humans are s……. To animals and as long as the experiments b…… humans such as insulin then experimenting on animals will acceptable.
Now your turn….. Using the same quotes … answer… Explain religious attitudes to bullfighting. Use religious beliefs and teachings in your answer…. And Explain religious attitudes to hunting. Use religious beliefs and teachings in your answer….
Do You agree???? With the statement questions there are ‘what do you think’ and ‘do you agree.’ With do you agree, you must show a balanced argument… You could use FARM – 4 paragraphs. 1. FOR2. AGAINST 3.Religious teachings4. ME
When revising…. When you use statement questions in your revision answer as a ‘do you agree’? What is the difference between a what do you think and a do you agree questions?????
Examples ‘ Animals should have the same rights as humans’ ‘Zoos should be closed down’ ‘it is wrong to use animals in sport’
Good luck Remember my door is always open and the New Zealand rugby team said that to achieve greatness you must practise what you do NOT know.