1 Ching-Hui Wu Department of Nuclear Regulation Atomic Energy Council, Taiwan September 23, 2013 An Overview of the Recommendations from NEA peer review
2 Independent Peer Review Team NameAffiliation/NationalityIn charge of Mr. John A. NAKOSKINuclear Energy Agency, OECD (USA) Team Coordinator Dr. Aybars GURPINAR NEA Consultant (Turkey)Earthquake Dr. David SQUARERNEA Consultant (USA)Flooding Dr. Katsurori OGURAJNES (Japan)Extreme Natural Events Mr. Mel FIELDSNEA Consultant (USA)Loss of Electrical Power and Loss of Ultimate Heat Sink Dr. Hitoshi MUTAJNES (Japan)Severe Accident Management Mr. Wei-Whua LOA, Liaison with AEC
3 OECD/NEA peer review Desktop review January ~ February 2013 2 weeks visit to Taiwan March 4 ~ March 15 AEC, TPC headquarters, and site visit to Kuosheng NPP Final report from IPRT April 23, 2013
4 Recommendations from NEA peer review (1) itemgroupsubgroupsectionFollow-up by AEC 1Seismic To continue ongoing seismic re- evaluation and upgrading effort Included in the Supplement of Geological Investigation 2Seismic To perform fault displacement hazard analysis 2.3.3Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD (June 6, 2013) 3Seismic To deploy a local seismic network Included in the Regulatory Order HQ-JLD (June 6, 2013) 4Seismic To demonstrate seismic stability and integrity of alternate UHS Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Seismic To provide an interface between post-earthquake and post- tsunami operating procedures Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD (June 6, 2013) 6 Seismic Tsunami To revisit maximum magnitude values of fault for tsunamic sources Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD-10102
5 Recommendations from NEA peer review (2) itemgroupsubgroupsectionFollow-up by AEC 7Tsunami To evaluate submarine volcano 18km north of CSNPP and KSNPP 3.1 Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Tsunami To delete NSC results The National Report is revised. 9Tsunami To address the tsunami resulting from undersea volcanic eruptions and undersea landslide Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Tsunami To consider the detail geological information near the plant site Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Tsunami To re-assess and to take adequate measures against the indirect effects of tsunamis Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Tsunami To re-analyze the tsunami hazard using the state-of-the-art modeling and updated information and assumptions Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD Tsunami To validate the tsunami computer codes against scaled physical model replica of all NPP sites (including exact bathymetry) Included in the Regulatory Order XX-JLD-10102
6 Recommendations from NEA peer review (2) itemgroupsubgroupsectionFollow-up by AEC 14 Flooding Extreme Hazards To systematically assess the combinations of events in the areas of flooding and extreme natural events 3.3.2, 3.4.2, 4.3 Included in the Regulatory Order XX- JLD (June 6, 2013) 15Flooding To check the probable maximum precipitation with regional topographical maps Included in the Regulatory Order XX- JLD (June 6, 2013) 16 Loss of Safety Functions To use FSAR design values to analyze system responses unless more realistic values are justified 5.3 AEC requests TPC to revise the utility report. 17 Severe Accident Manage ment Not to store mobile equipment for severe accident management response at one location Included in the Regulatory Order XX- JLD Severe Accident Manage ment To use site specific PRAs to provide better insights for severe accident management including extending the PRA scope to plant shutdown Included in the Regulatory Order XX- JLD-10116
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