*A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. * Volcano eruptions have been known to knock down entire forests. *An erupting volcano can cause tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls.
There are more than 1500 active volcanoes on the Earth. We currently know of 80 or more which are under the oceans. In Israel there are some volcanoes to, but they all sleeping.
*Crater- לוע *Main vent- היציאה העיקרית * Chamber- מצבור, מקור
What is the Ring of Fire? The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of often earthquake and volcanic eruptions around the Pacific ocean. The Ring of Fire has 452 volcanoes. Ninety percent of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire.
If you are indoors: Close all windows, doors, and fireplace or woodstove dampers. Turn off all fans and heating and air conditioning systems. Bring pets and livestock into closed shelters.
If you are outdoors: Seek shelter indoors. If caught in a rockfall, roll into a ball to protect your head. If near a stream or river, be aware of rising water and possible mudflows in low-lying areas. Move up-slope as quickly as possible. Seek care for burns right away. Immediate care can be life saving.
The end thanks for listening