The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) OpenSees On Grid Final Report Gouri Kadam


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Presentation transcript:

The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) OpenSees On Grid Final Report Gouri Kadam Centre for Development Of Advanced Computing,Pune EPIKH Workshop Kolkata,

Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Outline  Need For Computational Simulations in Earthquake Engineering  About OpenSees  OpenSees on Grid  Results and Open issues  Future plans  Summary and Conclusions  References 22Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Need For Computational Simulation In Earthquake Engineering There are two broad needs for computational simulation in earthquake engineering. Research focused: using simulation to improve understanding of a.Structural systems b.Geotechnical systems, c.Natural disasters like tsunamis.

Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, for engineering design: use of computational simulation to make predictive (and probabilistic) estimates of performance as a basis for design decisions. - Advanced computational simulation to include the nonlinear behavior and realistic failure modes of structures and soil systems. The two uses, research and design applications, should not be decoupled, because the research needs to drive the practice, but the practice needs to inform the research.

Why OpenSees Research and practice is moving towards Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Providing software and services that enable earthquake engineers to: organize and share data, participate in remote experiments, and perform hybrid simulations Large-Scale Structural and Geotechnical Simulations for e.g - Simulation of Bridge, Multi-Storied Building etc requires large data handling, computational resources Education and training of academics and industry in: –Structural and geotechnical mechanics and modeling –Advanced computing and simulation Most Important point is.. using high-performance computing (HPC) resources in the field of Earthquake Engineering to support event-driven science, and for those situations when it’s most needed. Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Why OpenSees …contd OpenSees development is sponsored by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Centre through National Science Foundation Engineering and Education program. OpenSees development team includes various well known personalities in the field of Earthquake engineering ( eg Dr. Silvia Mazzoni, Dr. Frank McKenna, Dr. Jinchi Lu and many more ) from various Universities like University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, Stanford University This page contains links to other projects that are using OpenSees. PEER Testbeds Van Nuys Building I-880 Viaduct Humboldt Bay Bridge UC Science Building Geotechnical University of Washington University of California, Davis University of California, San Diego Structural Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis University of California,Berkeley University of California, San Diego

Why OpenSees..contd Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, OpenSees is an object-oriented software framework for creating nonlinear finite element applications. The framework provides classes for - modeling - to perform nonlinear analysis on the model - and classes to monitor the response of the model during the analysis.

Problems that can be solved using OpenSees Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Static Problems – Deformation analyses (1D, 2D, or 3D) – Consolidation problems – Soil-structure interaction problems Shallow foundations (e.g. bearing capacity, deformation) Pile foundations (e.g. vertical and lateral capacity) Dynamic (earthquake problems) – Free-field analysis – Liquefaction-induced problems – Soil structure interaction problems (e.g. response of pile foundations, bridge bents, or complete structures embedded in soils to earthquake excitations)

Computing and Data Requirements Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Middleware 1.GridFTP 2.PETSC libraries 3.Tcl-tk libraries 4.Reliable File transfer tools 5.Globus replica location service 6.Data replication service 7.Software to manage VO users and their privileges 8.Grid portal for submitting multiple MPI jobs User Requirement 1.Access to Grid portal. 2.One PC with Network Connection 3.Visualization tools if required

Example 1. Solid-fluid fully coupled (u-p) 20-8 noded brick element: saturated soil element with pressure dependent material, subjected to 1D sinusoidal base shaking model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 4 integrator Newmark $nw $nw2 analysis Transient time history analysis create dynamic time history analysis - pattern UniformExcitation analysis VariableTransient Records as - eval "recorder Node -file disp -time -node $SnodeList -dof dT $dT disp" Records as - recorder Element -ele 1 -time -file strain17 -dT $dT material 17 strain Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

User Interface of portal Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Initiating the proxy Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Checking the proxy information

Glite-wms-job-list-match –a Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Job Submission Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

JDL script Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop, Type = "Job"; JobType = "Normal"; Executable = "osees.cmd"; Arguments = "208UP.tcl"; StdOutput = "osees.out"; StdError = "osees.err"; InputSandbox = {"init.tcl","osees.cmd","OpenSees","20 8UP.tcl"}; OutputSandbox = {"osees.err","osees.out","output.tar"}; RetryCount = 3; #!/bin/bash mkdir library mkdir../library cp init.tcl library/ cp init.tcl../library chmod a=rwx OpenSees./OpenSees $1 brick_ex.jdlOsees.cmd

Watch glite-wms-job-status –i bk Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

After Completion Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Viewing Job Out-Put Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Output Directory Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Result graph - Lateral Acceleration at the top of the element Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Future Plans Availability of OpenSees parallel version on grid Submitting MPI jobs Making OpenSees available on computing elements so that Job submission will be easy for an ordinary user Generating scripts /Creating models which really requires more computational resources

Summery and Conclusion This study is very useful for developing the data needed to eliminate testing and replace it with simulation for earthquake engineering research and practice. The significance of the present work is to create the awareness among the researchers, academicians and structural consultants regarding the simulation of Structural and Geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes. OpenSees is intended to serve as the computational platform for research in performance-based earthquake engineering. Will help in advances in computational simulation for earthquake engineering and will have trans-formative effects on engineering design, operations and maintenance of structures, and regional planning for disasters (natural and others) and mitigation of disasters. This study will improve design and allow optimization, including design for target system reliability. This research has direct benefits in terms of security, physical protection, and systematic planning for disasters. Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

About The Training School This Training school helped a lot in clear understanding of grid concepts right form the certification process and its installation Goal /Purpose of the training school was very much clear to users. Speakers were very much helpful and all sessions were interactive which helped us in resolving our doubts Such training schools should be arranged frequently to improve the awareness amongst the grid users This training has introduced us to a wide scientific researchers community which will help us in resolving our issues, sharing knowledge and information Also training school has given us motivation for gridifying our applications in proper way Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

References t-glite-wms-jobhttp://www- t-glite-wms-job Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

Thank You Kolkata, EPIKH Workshop,

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