Overview Original Process Explanation/Flowchart Team Idea Map Potential Issues Improvement Possibilities New Process Explanation/Flowchart
Goal of Process To have a complete and thorough briefing by the time work has to begin within 30 min of shift start.
Process Explanation
Idea Map
Potential Issues Inflexible Regulations Regarding Brief Req. Supervision Reluctance to Change Subordinate Complacency All airmen must receive brief prior to work NCOIC has multiple other commitments to attend but must also brief each shift.
What We Discovered It was not feasible to change the regulations in the short term. NCOIC does not have to be at that meeting as long as information is relayed appropriately and in a timely manner Bay Chief/Team Chief and Supervisors need to be held accountable for late reporting of subordinates.
Processes to Identify Solutions Brainstorming Cause and Effect diagraming Process/Idea Mapping
Brainstorming Identified many possible issues with current process after reading the process chart explanation. Came up with different possible solutions Narrowed down solution by doing the Cause/Effect diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram
Idea Map
Expected Results From Changes NCOIC is clear to attend other meetings Bay Chiefs and Team Chiefs can start maintenance actions without further delay Team Members are held accountable to be on-time and to review staff notes Supervisors are held accountable for subordinates actions
Revised Process
What We Expect to Gain Less time in the morning meeting will allow shifts to transition quickly enabling more maintenance production.(More work done) Better relay of information to all Airmen on all shifts.(Same info to each) NCOIC able to focus on other important areas if Bay Chief/Team Chief and supervisors are held accountable for their actions.(Do their job) By using a Staff Notes board to post the NCOIC notes, then the NCOIC will not have to be present on all shifts for briefing (less time required)
Possible Negative Effects NCOIC may lose contact with Subordinates. (May be their only opportunity to talk to the Airmen during the day) If supervisors are not held accountable, their subordinates may take advantage of the relaxed morning process If any maintenance actions or regulations change, the information may be missed or not briefed to all Airmen.
Conclusion Overall process improvement by eliminating unnecessary areas. Further improvement can by seen if regulations could be changed in the future. There is still a need for the NCOIC to maintain contact with their section, but must find another avenue to complete that.