Blends Phrasal Words Compound Words 6.0 This unit is about: 6.1 6.2. 6.3 Phrasal Words
As we studied last lecture compound comes in: 6.2: compounds verbs A) Verbs+ Verb(P: 60) eg (turn leave Sometimes a single verb is a combination of multiple words. Both words might be verbs or one of the words might be a descriptor word. The words may run together as one word or they may be joined by a hyphen. Regardless of the spelling, when used together, the words function as a single verb. Means two verbs act as one. Freezedry- تجمد Stirfry قلي—babysit- waterproof-
Compound that have verbs B) N+V Band-wash…. Steam- clean C)V+N: washing machine…driving licence…swimming pool D) Adj+ verb: dry-cleaning public speaking
D) Preposition +Verbs: Outdoor-Overlab-Understand-Outrun Outstanding E) verb _+ Prepo(called phrasal verbs) Shake up Hand over Clearout- clearup
Arguments compound verbs P:63 They said when using verbs they need a noun who do/does it as Sleep- need someone(subject) Eat- need some one(“) But if you need another someone to play as object then this object called(argument)
Example of N from V Writer Driver Or NN derived from verb Store+er= storer> restorere (N)
6.3 Compound Adjectives(P:61 1.N+adj Coal-black… 2. Adj+adj Grey-green- dark-blue- red-hot 3. Preposition+adj Underful- overactive
6.4 Compound Nouns and Other compound words- with all parts of speech Noun+adjective - snow white noun/noun - toothpaste, football, fish tank noun/preposition (adverb) - love-in, hanger on, passer-by noun/verb - haircut, browbeat. Adjective+ noun - blackboard, full moon Adjective+ preposition - forthwith Adjective+verb - dry-cleaning, highlight rainfall preposition/adjective - over-ripe preposition (adverb)/noun - underground, underworld, bystander, onlooker preposition/preposition - without preposition /verb - output, undercut, outlook, overthrow verb/adjective - tumbledown verb/noun - swimming pool, breakwater, washing machine verb/preposition (adverb) - takeout, check-in, drawback, lookout verb/verb - freeze-dry
V+V Adj+N Preposition+V
Compound Words part 2 6.5- Headed+ headless
6.5 Headed- headless Compounds(P:64) When we make compound words, the meaning of the compound word is determined by the rightmost members of the compound, known as the “head” of the compound. Thus “black- board,” is a kind of “board,” and not a kind of “black.” “High chair” is a kind of “chair.” that means board is the head of the compound
Definition of headed compound They are Compound words, where the meaning of the compound is determined by the “head” of the compound are called Headed Compounds. It follows pluralization- a part make whole Most of English L compounds are headed Find at the right headed (blackboard)
Headless Compounds What are the “Headless Compounds”? are compound words that do not have a “head” that determines the meaning of the compound. In other words, the parts do not make the whole, with respect to the meaning of the words. In other words, “still life” is not a kind of “life.” “Pick pocket” is not a kind of “pocket.” “Low life” is not a kind of “life.”
headless Thus Headless Compounds do not follow the pluralization rule. The entire compound word is treated as one morpheme, without internal morphemic distinction or structure, and the default plural morpheme /s/ is added to the “whole
Headless examples Faint-heart>>>>> is headless Because: the right words not a head because it is not a kind of heart. Similar(AN): (Loudmouth) headless Similar (NN):(( redsbank ) headless( type of fish) Not as heartacttack ..headed because attack is a kind of attack . As in greentone> is headed because
Examples for headed comp. the head of the compound noun handbag is bag, since a handbag is a kind of bag, not a hand. The head of Blackboard is :__________ since _____________is a kind of ____ not_______ The head of Sitting-room: ___________ since -__________________
أعلان تقارير : المقرر + خبرات الطالبه Announcement Announcement Announcement أعلان تقارير : المقرر + خبرات الطالبه /1 الدخول للموقع 2/ هل هنالك خريجه لهذا العام لملء الاستمارة للقاء الخريجات
Ex(Underline the compound words 1. The dog ran out of the backyard A. Dog ran B. Backyard C. Of the 2. Did you see the beautiful rainbow yesterday? A. Rainbow B. Yesterday C. Beautiful
3. I love to watch my brother play football on Friday nights. A. Brother B. Nights C. Football 4. Sailboat is a compound word. A. True B. False
5. Elephant is a compound word A. True B. False 6. Outside is NOT a compound word. 7. Alligator is NOT a compound word.
8. Separate the compound word "classroom" into two words ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. If the words butter and fly are combined, what compound word to they make?
What is exocentric When headless compound doesn’t determine by any element inside them It means have no internal center but outside them. and their meaning often cannot be transparently guessed from its constituent parts. white-collar is neither a kind of collar nor a white thing. In an exocentric compound, the word class is determined lexically, disregarding the class of the constituents. examplex
What is endocentric An endocentric compound consists of a head Endocentric compounds tend to be of the same part of speech e.g. doghouse headed compound have internal centre be endocentric if it fulfills the same linguistic function as one of its parts
6.6 Blends & Acronyms