The New OSH Capstone Presentation
Intro Our Mission….. The 2015 Capstone Cohort is focused on the inclusion of sustainable infrastructure and practices in the new Orson Spencer Hall building.
Overview The Capstone Class of 2015 worked together to identify and propose sustainable projects that embrace the past while looking forward by advocating awareness. Four Teams: Water Landscaping and Open Space Energy Education/Communication
What is SCIF? Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Responsible for over 100 Projects Created in 2008 Funded through student fee $2.50 a semester Over $400,000 in sustainable projects on campus. Student led projects. Encourages student involvement in campus decisions. Creates ownership amongst students. Capstone Class led Projects Projects to LEED OSH Our goal is to push four different SCIF Grants in an effort to guarantee a LEED Certification/improve the University Building Standards in the new OSH building Push to involve students in new building decisions on campus Education Energy Water Landscape
Water: Introduction OSH Rainwater Harvesting Project Hunter Klingensmith Nytashia Allbritton Katie Young
Water: Background Are we running out of water? Population + current reservoir storage + climate shift Highest usage of treated water in the country Utah projected precipitation Increased precipitation in winter months Increased temperatures over all Conservation Capture precipitation Use less treated water Precipitation Change Temperature Change Graphics and data from Thomas Reichler
Water: Inspiration Swaner EcoCenter Park City, UT Can store 10,000 gallons of rainwater. Both aboveground and underground cisterns. Uses Flushing of toilets Irrigation on site
Water: Inspiration Natural History Museum of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Two 10,000 gallon underground cisterns Rainwater flows through green roof, all excess runs through drain to cisterns Uses Provides all irrigation on site
Water: Personnel University of Utah Emerson Andrews - SCIF Coordinator Jennifer Watt - Associate Director of Environmental and Sustainability Studies Myron Willson - Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer Sue Pope - Landscape and Open Space Manager MHTN Architects Inc. Glen Beckstead - Cost Estimator Hannah Vaughn - Architect Brian Hebdon - Architect Utah Division of Water Rights Jeff Gitting - Attorney John Briem - Utah Lake and Jordan River Division Matt Lindon - Water rights specialist
Water: Project Design Components 4 Perforated Pipes Below ground (prevents freezing) Direct water to landscape, and back into the aquifer Prevents water going into sewage system 4 Weather Stations (Values) Direct water from the roof drains Solar powered Storage via irrigation system Heavy rain and during winter months Water can be stored and used when needed - especially during hot, dry season System Functions 1.Redirect Rainwater a.Normal precipitation b.Pipes direct water to vegetation and the ground c.Water replenishes aquifer i.Prevents water from flowing into the Jordan and becoming polluted via a storm sewer d.Excellent for water conservation, no savings for university during this time 2.Rainwater Storage a.Heavy precipitation b.Water directed to storage in the irrigation system c.Can be used in the hot summer months to water vegetation i.In turn replenishes aquifer
Water: Project Design Advantages Water Conservation Approx. 754,800 gal of water returned to the aquifer per year Lessen need for potable water use Cost Benefit for University Irrigation System Water Use June, July, August Simple system Minimal maintenance Tried and true technology Avoid water rights issues Ability to store large quantities of water Potential for future expansion for flushing No need for expensive pump “ This is one of those things that saves the world and also saves money" - Glen Beckstead
Water: Budget ●Estimated $153,411 for the complete system and installation ○Solar powered weather stations, 24” perforated pipes, irrigation system, etc. ●Based on roof size range 55,000-70,000 sq/ft ●Assume normal roof drainage system ●Using water to flush toilets is also being considered and would add approx. $58,000 24” Perforated Pipes (4)$32,55 3 Large Gravel and Filter Fabric Sumps $50,00 0 8” Pipes (from roof to exterior)$15, ’ Pipes (to aquifer)$10,80 0 Solar Powered Weather Stations (4) $13,12 0 Building Elements$121,6 53 Undefined Building Elements10 % $12,16 5 Inflation to Start of Construction 5%$7,305 General Conditions5%$6,083 Bonding1.1 % $1,338 Profit and Overhead4%$4,866 Construction Subtotal$153,4 11 Estimate and details provided by Glen Beckstead of MHTN Architects
Water: Next Steps Design details Educational features Finalized budget Permits pertaining to water quality, water rights and construction Contracts from architects and building committee SICF proposal completion & submission Outside Additional Funding