Table-driven Modeling Subcommittee June 7, 2010 – 8am PDT – 5pm CEST Joachim Haase
Agenda Call to order Volunteer for minutes Approval for agenda Review plan and refinement Discuss requirements analysis steps and solicit volunteers Next meeting AOB Adjourn
Scope The intention is to support in VHDL-AMS the description of functional dependencies y = f(x1, x2,..., xn) based on a number of (n+1)-tupels (y, x1, x2,..., xn). Therefore, VHDL-AMS functions that support this task, their arguments, and their algorithmic behavior shall be defined. A reference implementation of a package that contains these functions shall be worked out. Table-driven modeling [member-only area]
What has to be done Evaluation of representations of data points - How to describe the (n+1)-tupels - Handling of special cases (for instant equidistant axes) - Order of data points - Order within a n-tupel Methods to provide data points - supported types (REAL, …) - arrays - file formats Evaluation of interpolation and extrapolation algorithms Reference implementation - Package - Test cases - Documentation
Plan Phase 1: Establish the "Requirements for Table Look-Up Modeling with VHDL- AMS“ – Finished by Phase 2: Discussion and selection of algorithms that shall be used. This concerns the lookup algorithms - interpolation and extrapolation methods – Finished by Phase 3: Definition of VHDL(-AMS) function headers and standard package header resp. – Finished by Phase 4: Reference implementation of functions and standard package body resp. – Finished by Phase 5: Test of the reference implementation – Finished by Phase 6: Finishing of documentation - proposal for the standard revision - Finished by Table-driven modeling [member-only area]
Starting Point (1) User requirements as for instance of - IBIS Modeling Advanced technology Modeling Task Group - exchange of data files of different provenience Known solutions in other languages - Verilog-AMS, LRM 3.1- section Modelica - Modelica Standard Library Known file formats - Touchstone File Format - Output files of measurement devices Known VHDL-AMS solution - Package TLU_VDA of library FUNDAMENTALS_VDA
Starting Point (2) Requirements for Table Lookup Modeling with VHDL-AMS Draft Proposals – March Requirements for Table-driven Modeling by Alain Vachoux
Proposal for next steps Review of available information - User requirements - Representation of „n-tupels“ - Evaluation of known solutions Update of „ Requirements for Table Lookup Modeling with VHDL-AMS “ - Revision of requirements Start to collect information about applied algorithms - Interpolation and extrapolation
Next meeting Monday, July 5, 2010 – 8am PDT