Astronomy and Space Ms. Woodard
DAY 1 Objective Objective – I can explain how the universe formed and the laws governing it.
What is Astronomy? The science that studies the universe that deals with: – Properties of objects in space – Laws under which the universe operates
How the Universe Started? 1.Big Bang Theory – Everything was confined to a dense, hot, super- massive ball – About 13.7 billion years ago, a violent explosion occurred – Material went in all directions – Marks the beginning of the universe
2.Galaxy Forms – Galaxy: groups of stars, dust and gases held together by gravity – Our galaxy is THE MILIKY WAY 3.Formation of Solar System – Nebular Theory Formed from a rotating cloud of dust and gas First the Sun formed Next the planets formed
Types of Galaxies A.Spiral – Disk shaped with concentration of stars in the centers – Arms extended from center – Ex: Milky Way Galaxy
B.Elliptical – Round to oval in shape – 60% of galaxies C.Irregular – No definite shape – Mainly young stars
The Expanding Universe Theory Galaxies are moving away from each other The Universe is Expanding
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion 1 st Law – The orbit of the planets are ellipses with the sun at one focus
2 nd Law – The line joining the planet to the sun sweep out equal areas in equal times as the planet travels around the ellipse 3 rd Law – The length of time it takes a planet to orbit the sun and its distance to the sun are proportional
Law of Universal Gravitation Developed by Sir Isaac Newton Describes Gravity Based on the masses of objects and distances between them
DAY 3 Objective Objective – I can explain the motions of the Earth and how it affects the Earth
Motions of Earth
ROTATION Turning or spinning of a body on its axis Causes day and night Days are measured in 2 different way Mean Solar Day – Time interval from one noon to the next (24 hours) Sidereal Day – Time it takes for Earth to make one complete rotation with respect to a distance star – 23 hours, 56 mins, 4 sec
Revolution Motion of a body along a path around some point in space Determines length of planets year (Earth=365 days) Earth distance from the sun varies Perihelion – Closet to the sun – Occurs on January 3 rd Aphelion – Farthest from the sun – Occurs on July 4th
Precession Slight movement of the direction of which the Earth’s axis point Tilt degree does not change Happens over 26,000 years (complete cycle)
Nutation Oscillatory movement of the axis of a rotating body or a wobble
Barycenter The center of mass where two or more celestial bodies orbit each other The point balance each other
Earth’s Axis Tilted 23.5 degrees Causes season on Earth – Tilt is towards the sun indicates warmer season – Tilt away from the sun indicates cooler seasons
DAY 4 Objective Objective – I can explain how the sun works and affect itself and Earth. – I can explain how the Sun’s energy affects Earth
The Sun Layers (Structure inside out) 1.Core – Where energy is produced 2.Photosphere – Surface of the sun 3.Chromosphere – Thin layer of hot gas 4.Corona 1.Outer most layer that is very weak
Sun’s Motion It is not stationary Pulled by the planets gravity – Very slight back and forth motion Orbits the solar systems barycenter
Producing Energy Fusion – Atoms combine together – Used to produce energy – What the sun does – 2 Hydrogen atoms combine to form a Helium molecule Fission – Atoms split in two – Used to produce energy – What nuclear power plants do
What does the Sun Emit? Electromagnetic Radiation – Different waves of light based on wavelengths and frequency – Arranged on the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio Waves—lowest energy Infrared waves Visible Light (ROY G BIV) UV Rays X-rays Gamma Rays—highest energy
Solar Radiation in Atmosphere 1.Absorbed by objects (like clouds) – 20 % 2.Reflected back to Space – 30% 3.Reaches the surface – 50%
When it Reaches the Surface Absorbed by Land or Water – Land will heat faster than water – Land will cool down faster than water Vegetation uses it
How Vegetation Uses Solar Energy They perform Photosynthesis Transformed into chemical energy Plants use sunlight to produce sugar
Day 5 Objective Objective o I can explain how the moon affects the Earth’s oceans o I can explain the Earth’s protects itself
Earth’s Shape: The Moon’s Affect Tides – Changes in elevation of the ocean surface – Caused by Gravitational Pull of the Sun and Moon
Moon Phases
Types of Tides Spring Tide – During a full and new moon – Gravitational pull of moon and sun added – Extreme high and low tides Neap Tide – During the 1 st and 3 rd quarter of the moon – Gravitational pull of moon and sun are offset – Tide Range is very small
Earth’s Protection Earth Magnetic Field – Created by Earth’s core – Surrounds the Earth – Stops solar winds from the sun
When Magnetic Field & Solar Winds Met? The solar winds go around the Earth At weak spots near the poles, Auroras form
Without the Magnetic Field Solar winds would take away the ozone layer Ozone protects Earth from harmful UV rays Atmosphere would disappear Earth would not be livable