News from STFC PPAP Community 24 th September 2015 Imperial College London.


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Presentation transcript:

News from STFC PPAP Community 24 th September 2015 Imperial College London

CERN: LHC ESO and ALMA ESA: Top Sat ILL and ESRF Daresbury Campus Hartree Centre Harwell Campus Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Diamond Light Source Square Kilometre Array Planck

Research Councils

STFC’s Annual Budget STFC’s annual budget is approximately: £563 Million The budget is split between the following directorates: 66%18%7%1%7%1% Information correct as of May All figures are approximates.


STFC Advisory structure Particle Physics Advisory Panel (Chair: Paul Newman) Particle Physics Advisory Panel (Chair: Paul Newman) Nuclear Physics Advisory Panel (Chair: Andy Boston) Nuclear Physics Advisory Panel (Chair: Andy Boston) Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel (Chair: Patrick Sutton) Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel (Chair: Patrick Sutton) Solar System Advisory Panel (Chair: Chris Arridge) Solar System Advisory Panel (Chair: Chris Arridge) Astronomy Advisory Panel (Chair: Paul O’Brien) Astronomy Advisory Panel (Chair: Paul O’Brien) Life Sci. & Soft Matter Advisory Panel (Chair: Kate Brown) Life Sci. & Soft Matter Advisory Panel (Chair: Kate Brown) Physical Sci. & Eng. Advisory Panel (Chair: David Lennon) Physical Sci. & Eng. Advisory Panel (Chair: David Lennon) Computing Advisory Panel (Chair: Stephen Fairhurst) Computing Advisory Panel (Chair: Stephen Fairhurst) Education, Training and Careers Committee (Chair: Tara Shears) Education, Training and Careers Committee (Chair: Tara Shears) Advisory Panel for Public Engagement (Chair: Colin Pulham) Advisory Panel for Public Engagement (Chair: Colin Pulham) STFC Council (Chair: Sir Michael Sterling) STFC Council (Chair: Sir Michael Sterling) Innovation Advisory Board (Chair: Richard Worswick) Innovation Advisory Board (Chair: Richard Worswick) Skills & Engagement Advisory Board (Chair: Prof Carole Mundell) Skills & Engagement Advisory Board (Chair: Prof Carole Mundell) Particle Physics Grants Panel (Chair: Joel Goldstein / Simon Hands) Particle Physics Grants Panel (Chair: Joel Goldstein / Simon Hands) Astronomy Grants Panel (Chair: Ian Smail) Astronomy Grants Panel (Chair: Ian Smail) Nuclear Physics Grants Panel (Chair: Alison Bruce) Nuclear Physics Grants Panel (Chair: Alison Bruce) Science Board (Chair: Alison Davenport) Science Board (Chair: Alison Davenport) Projects Peer Review Panel (Chair: Paula Chadwick) Projects Peer Review Panel (Chair: Paula Chadwick) Accelerator Strategy Board (Chair: Grahame Blair) Accelerator Strategy Board (Chair: Grahame Blair)

2014/15 Budgets In 14/15 STFC will spend £150M on international subscriptions (CERN - £105.3M, ESO £18.8M, ILL – 15.3M, ESRF £7.9M). Particle physics - ~ £47.8M Particle astrophysics - ~ £3.2M Nuclear physics - ~ £7M Astronomy - ~£58M (Includes SKA for 2014) Accelerator R&D - ~ £14M Training - ~ £24M Public Engagement - ~ £1.3M This funding includes equipment, travel, staff (including academic time), computing, common fund and maintenance and operations costs of experiments.

Grants to institutes Figures do not include funding for projects, or groups receiving only project funding Average group size varies greatly between fields Particle Astrophysics is generally included in Particle, Nuclear or Astrophysics lines –Exception for Gravitational Waves grants: £2M p.a. PP Experiment includes experiment M&O and low-level support for some projects (IPPP) * * Includes particle astrophysics

Particle Physics Closely aligned with European Strategy for Particle Physics Highest priority is to fully exploit the LHC at CERN –Major UK contributions and leadership in ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments (also ALICE – see later) LHC experiment upgrades strongly supported –ATLAS and CMS phase-1 upgrades construction and phase-2 R&D supported (UK project awards £15M & £7M respectively) –Phase-2 scoping documents requested by funding agencies to provide a basis to prioritise in line with available funding internationally –LHCb upgrade construction funded (£8.8M)

Particle Physics STFC fully supports the recent APPEC joint statement on neutrino physics –“The agencies and laboratory directors … agreed that the understanding of the neutrino sector is a worldwide priority promising physics beyond the Standard Model.” – Strongly supporting long baseline neutrino experiments –T2K exploitation –R&D programme for LBNE (DUNE) and Hyper-K underway (UK £3.7M) Supporting UK contributions to 0  experiments –SuperNEMO and SNO+ UK ILC community engagement at a low level. UK participation in muon g-2 experiment at FNAL

Particle astrophysics Aligned with ASPERA roadmap Strong support for vibrant UK gravitational waves community: –Advanced LIGO is highest priority PA project – now commissioning –Gravitational Waves grants programme £1.8M/year CTA R&D supporting gamma-ray astronomy and indirect dark matter searches –Joined CTA GmbH, site selection –Pre-Production (prototyping)phase support now approved (£1.5M) Direct dark matter searches with LUX-ZEPLIN –UK participation in construction phase approved and underway (£3.75M) Dedicated underground science facility at Boulby Mine –Low background screening (LZ) –Externally funded experiments

Nuclear physics Support for UK groups exploiting wide variety of international facilities –ISOLDE, Jyvaskyla, JLAB, GANIL etc. –Project support for AGATA and ALICE Strategic need for NP theory and modelling support identified by 2012 Institute of Physics review –Support for new NP theory group at York announced by STFC in September 2014 Top priority for the future is NuSTAR at FAIR (GSI) –UK became Associate Member of FAIR in May 2013 –£8.1M STFC funding for 5-year NuSTAR construction phase Three additional NP projects recently funded: –JLAB upgrade - £1.5M –ALICE upgrade at CERN - £2.9M –ISOL-SRS at CERN - £3.3M

Accelerator science Accelerator institutes established in –Cockcroft: ASTeC, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester –John Adams: Oxford, RHUL, Imperial College STFC support for field totally around £14M p.a.via: –Direct grants to CI and JAI Institutes –Projects (MICE at RAL, AWAKE, FETS, Target Studies) –In house expertise (ASTeC) –UK facilities (ISIS, Diamond synchrotron light source) STFC currently reviewing UK accelerator science to guide evolution and identify priorities

Computing support Experimental particle physics community supported by GridPP (~£7M p.a. in 14/15) –Tier-1 facility at RAL –4 Tier-2 clusters (North, South, London, Scotland) –UK contribution to wLCG –Supporting a broad range of Virtual Organisations (not just PP) HPC support for theory with DiRAC –5 nodes: Cambridge (x2), Leicester, Durham, Edinburgh –£15M upgrade to DiRAC-II in 2012 Support for broader STFC science mission with Hartree centre (Daresbury) STFC currently reviewing UK computing strategy to guide evolution and identify priorities

Training and Fellowships Ernest Rutherford Fellowships – 12 awards/year Studentships – 220 doctoral training partnership PhD studentships awarded/year + 5 CASE Main issues – accreditation of training, studentship duration, international eligibility, review of CASE, skills gaps, career guidance. Plus new ideas for additional studentships and schemes.

CERN – UK representational roles Council –Delegates Sharon Ellis (BIS) John Womersley (STFC) Finance Committee –Chair: Charlotte Jamieson (STFC) –Delegates; Tony Medland (STFC), Sarah Verth (STFC) Resource Review Boards (RRBs) –Delegates; Grahame Blair (STFC) Tony Medland (STFC) Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) –Members by invitation; Dave Wark (SPC), Terry Wyatt (Manchester) Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA) –Chair; Charlotte Jamieson (STFC) TREF (employment forum) –Delegate; Sarah Verth (STFC)

External Innovations Schemes Responsive support: Follow on funding Innovation Partnership Scheme (mini and full IPS) RSE Enterprise Fellows User led: Challenge Led Applied Systems (CLASP) Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Empowering: Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) IPS Fellows

Public Engagement Funding STFC, Small Awards. Funds for small, local or 'pilot' projects promoting STFC science and technology. STFC, Large Awards. Funds for projects which are expected to have a significant regional or national impact. STFC/IoP/IET Schools Grant Scheme. Funds to enrich the teaching and learning of physics, astronomy and engineering.

STFC Public Engagement Programme Estimated participants engaged per year: –18,000 teachers –91,000 primary students –243,000 secondary students –1,100,000 general public Grants and Fellowships: –32 awarded to the value of £626,000 Impact

Tender opportunities Align companies to opportunities from international facilities Alerting companies about opportunities by sector Introducing companies to buyers through targeted events and site visits Influence facilities’ procurement rules to increase fairness and access for UK companies UK companies won M CHF (approx. £88M) in total in the last five years (2010 – 2014) from CERN alone.

Tender opportunities – case studies Studies show that companies who work with CERN have been able to develop new products, move into new sectors, increase their national and international exposure and grow their business. F2 Chemicals have won contracts totalling £2m to supply CERN with 80 tonnes of chemical coolants, leading to a boost in their sales and market image. SCISYS won a £50k contract with ESO for a software project connected with E-ELT. This enabled them to win an initial £90K contract for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Arcade won £1M worth of heating and ventilation contracts at CERN, allowing them to expand their engineering team and train their staff in radiation environments.

Chancellor George Osborne announced the beginning of the Spending Review on 21 July Set out plans to implement further cuts to public spending to reduce UK’s deficit Invited Government Departments to set out plans for 25% and 40% savings in real terms, by On 25 November he will announce how much funding each Government Department will receive for The process to determine the funding for individual Research Councils will start after the announcement on 25 November and is likely to conclude in Spring 2016 CSR timetable

BIS requested in depth material from the Research Councils on several positive and negative scenarios STFC has made a series of submissions working with the other Research Councils BIS has subsequently requested supplemental data and examples We have also been asked to develop more scenarios for our UK Large Facilities BIS has used the Research Council material to develop its response to the Treasury which it has now submitted. CSR work to date

There are meetings scheduled between the Secretary of State and the Treasury for later in the month to discuss BIS’s proposals There are likely to be more requests and opportunities to provide data as those meetings progress Science capital commitments still stand This is a good news, we must ensure that it is matched by the necessary resource funding - “batteries not included” The Science Minister is keen to ensure that resource funding is not less than flat cash We must ensure that it is well understood that this would mean a 10-12% real terms cut to our budget by 2020 What happens next with CSR

Thank you