WHAT IS NEHAP? National Environmental Health Action Plans (NEHAP) – are plans that arrange collaboration between communities and a range of government sectors to improve environmental impacts on health at a national level (WHO). With the series of consultations with the stakeholders, the Phil. NEHAP was formulated. NEHAP is defined as…..
NEHAP GOAL: To foster better collaboration among stakeholders on health and environment in addressing environmental health issues
FRAMEWORK FOR THE DRAFTING OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN (NEHAP) CONVERGENCE UN MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS International agreements – Stockholm, Kyoto , Basel ,Rotterdam Agenda 21 ,Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of 2002 EH National Laws, Philippine MTDP, National Objectives for Health ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COUNTRY PROFILE (EHCP) HEALTH DATA SHEET (EHDS) SWATOFS ISSUES CHALLENGES And STRATEGIES PHILIPPINE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN (NEHAP) The framework for the drafting of the Phil. NEHAP was anchored on the MDG which was clearly reflected in the Phil MTDP and translated in the National Objective for Health. We take into consideration the HCP and EHDS as solid information where we based our strategic plans and actions. We looked at the SWATOFS issues and challenges in order to strengthen our strategies and we enjoined the participations of stakeholders for the concerted implementation of the plan. STAKEHOLDERS (DOH, DENR, DA, DILG, DOST, DTI, DILG, DPWH, DOLE, DOE, DepED,NEDA, PIA, MWSS, LWUA, Academe, NGOs, POs,etc) (WHO,UNEP, ADB, WB,UNDP, GTZ)
NEHAP Development was anchored under the Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health (IACEH) Components > solid waste > water > air > toxic and hazardous substance > occupational health > food > sanitation
Components represent the Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health (IACEH) 7 Sectoral Task Forces (SWATOFS) 1. Solid Waste Sector Chair : Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Vice-Chair : Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) 2. Water Sector Chair : Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Vice-Chair : Department of Agriculture
3. Air Sector Chair : Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Vice-Chair : Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) 4. Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes Sector Vice-Chair : Department of Agriculture (DA) 5. Occupational Health Sector Chair : Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Vice-Chair : Department of Health (DOH)
7. Sanitation Sector 6. Food Sector Chair : Department of Health (DOH) Vice-Chair : Department of Agriculture 7. Sanitation Sector Chair : Department of Health (DOH) Vice-Chair : Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Activities Undertaken in the NEHAP Development: Sectoral Task Forces Meetings (SWATOFS) were conducted to plan action plan per sector 31 August – 8 September 2005 Workshop on NEHAP Formulation (finalization of action plan) 13-14 September 2005, Imperial Palace Hotel, Quezon City
High Level Meeting: Undersecretary level (presentation of final draft) 08 November 2005, Richmonde Hotel, Pasig City National Forum on Health and Environment (Ceremonial signing for adoption of Phil. NEHAP) 29-30 November – 01 December 2005 Traders Hotel, Roxas Boulevard, Manila
The Phil. NEHAP will subscribe to the sustainable development, which is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs. Environmental health issues will be seen from the health and environment perspective taking into account all relevant national and local interests and priorities using an integrated and multi-dimentional approach.
NEHAP Follow – up Activities IACEH Sectoral Task Forces and High Level Meeting on 19 – 20 June 2007 > re – validate Philippine NEHAP (goals and strategies) > identify priority key actions per sector involving inter-agency collaborations
SECTORAL GOALS SECTOR GOAL Solid Wastes To strengthen the institutional mechanism/linkages to ensure a healthy environment through the sustained implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Program Water To reduce/eradicate the incidence of water-borne and other water- related diseases
SECTOR GOAL Air To achieve the quality of air that will protect the public health, safety and welfare Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes To reduce the incidence of diseases and injuries brought about by exposure to toxic and hazardous substances Occupationa l Health To reduce the incidence of environmental and occupational health-related diseases and injuries
SECTOR GOAL Food Safety To ensure supply of safe food from farm to plate and be globally competitive Sanitation To accelerate the development and implementation of effectual programs of sustainable sanitation and wastewater management
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Solid Wastes Review of RA 9003 Stronger advocacy to LGUs to implement RA 9003 e.g. landfills, MRF Resource Mapping and Needs Assessment in the regions/LGUs Establishment of Regional Ecology Centers
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Water Development of Water Road Map Develop drinking water technology options Adoption of the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Develop innovative/acceptable financing mechanisms Operationalization of the KM water and sanitation portal
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Water Stronger advocacy for the following LGU actions: To strictly implement the PNSDW To establish Local Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Committee To establish drinking water laboratory
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Water Stronger advocacy for the following LGU actions: To strictly implement the PNSDW To establish Local Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Committee To establish drinking water laboratory
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Air Conduct of studies re LPG/CNG health risks Strengthen monitoring of Biofuels Act Advocacy for the use of cleaner/alternative technology Accreditation of 3rd Party by EMB
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes Implement the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for classification and labeling of chemicals Harmonize risk assessment and risk management methodologies Establish Poison Control Centers at the regional level Harmonize and update information databases Capacity/capability building on toxicology Strengthen enforcement strategies at the local level
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Occupational Health Capability building of industries for self regulation Enforcement of OH/EH laws by LGUs Involvement of employers and workers groups in the conduct of OH/EH activities Establishment of OH/EH laboratories
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Food Safety Development of food safety legislation Strengthen food safety system Develop Rapid Alert System
KEY ACTIONS by Sector SECTOR PROPOSED ACTIONS Sanitation Develop National Sanitation Master Plan Stronger advocacy for the Clean Water Act implementation by the LGUs and increased LGU investment Enhance involvement of private sector (public-private partnership) Dissemination of sanitation technology options
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ISSUE PROPOSED ACTIONS Policy Review of RA 9003 Strengthen regulation and enforcement of water laws and policies Proposed integrated legislation on chemical safety Review of bilateral agreements on the entry of e-waste OH program for migrant workers
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ISSUE PROPOSED ACTIONS Policy Review and update the provisions of PD 856 (Code on Sanitation) Review of existing penalties and sanctions Review existing DTI policy on importation of 2nd hand vehicles and equipment as well as toxic & hazardous chemicals Review RA 8749 (CAA) and 9211 (Tobacco Regulation Act)
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ISSUE PROPOSED ACTIONS Policy Incentive scheme to attract investors in solid and liquid waste treatment facility
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ISSUE PROPOSED ACTIONS Information System Establish comprehensive EOH information system/databank Harmonize all data on EOH from different sources i.e. FHSIS, NSCB, NDHS, NSO) Logistics Establishment of food laboratories compliant to international standards Few players investing in sanitation Development of financing/ sustainability options/schemes for EOH initiatives
CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ISSUE PROPOSED ACTIONS Enforcement Capacitate LGUs to enforce laws/policies on EOH Monitoring & Evaluation Reiterate CHDs mandate to monitor EOH programs and projects at LGU levels thru mutual cooperation Standards Development of health standards for chemical exposure Harmonization of international and local standards e.g. food trade
Next Step Convene IACEH Sectoral Task Forces > review agency accomplishments per sector > draft 2008 work plan based on the latest proposed actions. Call regular IACEH High Level Meeting
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