HIPAA was created by? The Affordable Care Act Health Insurance companies United States Congress United States Supreme Court Click the box beside the correct answer
United States Congress HIPAA was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President in The HIPAA Privacy rule was effective in The HIPAA Security rule was effective in Both the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules govern our activities at ARHS. NEXT QUESTION
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“HIPAA” stands for? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Health Information Protection and Accessibility Act Health Information Portability and Accountability Act Health Insurance Protection and Accessibility Act Click the box beside the correct answer
H ealth I nsurance P ortability and A ccountability A ct The first section of HIPAA regulates the transfer or “portability” of health insurance when individuals move from one employer or insurance company to another. At ARHS we are governed by the additional sections of HIPAA which regulate privacy and security of our patients’ health information. NEXT QUESTION
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The bill that was passed to strengthen HIPAA is commonly known as? HIPAA 2 HITECH PHIA SSA Click the box beside the correct answer
HITECH H ealth I nformation T echnology for E conomic and C linical H ealth Act Strengthens and provides additional regulatory and enforcement support to the privacy and security rules established by HIPAA NEXT QUESTION
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In HIPAA and HITECH “PHI” stands for? Patient Health Insurance Patient Health Information Protected Health Information Personal Health Information Click the box beside the correct answer
P rotected H ealth I nformation Name Address Date of Birth Social Security Number Insurance Information Employer Family member names Photos Medical history Medical record Any information that may be used to identify the patient is considered PHI NEXT QUESTION
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What is ePHI? Electronic Protected Health Information Eliminated Protected Health Information Enforced Protected Health Information Enhanced Protected Health Information Click the box beside the correct answer
Electronic Protected Health Information ePHI is any Protected Health Information (PHI) stored or transmitted in an electronic format ePHI includes PHI stored on Electronic Medical Records, computers, laptops, USB keys, cell phones or any other electronic media ePHI includes PHI that is included in an ed PHI must be encrypted unless the patient requests an unencrypted and is made aware of the risks of the PHI being sent unsecured ePHI also includes PHI that has been faxed NEXT QUESTION
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Under HIPAA and HITECH ARHS and its facilities are a(n)? Business Associate Covered Entity Clearinghouse Insurance Provider Click the box beside the correct answer
Covered Entity ARHS and all its facilities are Covered Entities under HIPAA and HITECH Covered Entities are healthcare providers which treat patients and accumulate PHI for those patients including but not limited to hospitals, post- acute/long-term care facilities and physician practices. NEXT QUESTION
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Under HIPAA and HITECH a Business Associate of ARHS is? Any organization that has access to PHI stored at ARHS Any individual or organization that ARHS contracts with to access PHI when the PHI is to be used for the benefit of ARHS Any individual who may have access to PHI Any software company ARHS does business with Click the box beside the correct answer
Business Associate Business Associates (BA) are entities or individuals to whom we release our patient’s PHI so they can use that PHI to perform a specific task for the benefit of ARHS such as attorneys, auditors, consultants and others. ARHS is required to maintain a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with all Business Associates. NEXT QUESTION
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HIPAA allows use and disclosure of PHI for? Treatment Payment Operations All of the above Click the box beside the correct answer
Treatment, Payment and Operations HIPAA allows the use and disclosure of PHI only for the treatment of patients, the collection of payment and for operations of the organization. Also referred to as “TPO” these are the only uses and disclosures allowed by HIPAA without the consent of the patient. Additionally HIPAA’s “Minimum Necessary” rule restricts access, use or disclosure of PHI to only the minimum extent necessary for a provider or employee to perform his/her job responsibilities. NEXT QUESTION
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The office that enforces HIPAA and HITECH is? United States Department of Justice United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights Click the box beside the correct answer
Office for Civil Rights The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) assigned enforcement of HIPAA to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) The OCR has completed Phase I of a program to audit Covered Entity’s and Business Associate’s compliance with HIPAA and HITECH. The second phase of audits will begin in 2016 and ARHS could be chosen to be audited. NEXT QUESTION
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HIPAA gives patients the right to? Request a copy of their medical record Request a list of providers and others the Covered Entity has disclosed their PHI to. Request limited access to their PHI. All of the above. Click the box beside the correct answer
All of these and many others HIPAA grants patients all the rights listed as well as many additional rights. Every patient has the right to a copy of his/her medical record which ARHS must provide upon request. ARHS is required to maintain a list of disclosures of patient PHI and provide that list upon request by the patient. Our patients have the right to request limited access to their PHI, however ARHS may determine it is unreasonable or we are unable to honor their request. All patient rights are listed in the Notice of Patient Rights given to patients upon registration. NEXT QUESTION
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What disclosure(s) may be determined a breach of PHI? A fax sent to the wrong phone number Posting a picture or information about a patient on social media Notifying a family member that a patient is in an ARHS facility when the patient has not authorized you to do so Discussing patient information in the hospital cafeteria All of the above Click the box beside the correct answer
All of these and more!! Any incident or communication where it can be determined that there is more than a low probability that the PHI could be used for purposes other than those allowed by HIPAA is a breach A breach may involve PHI of one patient or PHI of thousands of patients Breaches of PHI by staff of ARHS could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. NEXT QUESTION
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Who are HIPAA breaches reported to? The patient whose PHI was breached The Office for Civil Rights The patient and the Office for Civil Rights HIPAA breaches are not reported Click the box beside the correct answer
The patient and the Office for Civil Rights All breaches must be reported to the patient whose PHI was breached regardless of when or how the breach occurred. Breaches involving 500 or more individuals’ PHI must be reported to the Office for Civil Rights and local media in addition to notifying the patient. Breaches involving 1 – 499 individuals’ PHI must be reported to the Office for Civil Rights in addition to notifying the patient. NEXT QUESTION
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Who is the Privacy Officer at ARHS? Randy Dow Nathan White Kevin May Amy Crabbe Click the box beside the correct answer
Randy Dow Randy Dow is the Compliance and Privacy Officer at ARHS. Compliance is responsible for monitoring and auditing HIPAA at ARHS and its facilities. Compliance is also responsible for HIPAA breach determination and notification at ARHS and its facilities. Randy Dow is assisted in Compliance by Sherrie King, ARHS Compliance Auditor NEXT QUESTION
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How do you notify Compliance of any HIPAA concerns you may have? Contact Randy Dow at or Contact Sherrie King at or Call the Hotline at All of the above Click the box beside the correct answer
You may report HIPAA concerns or violations to: Randy Dow at or Sherrie King at or Compliance Concepts Hotline Hotline calls are answered by a company outside ARHS and you do not have to give your name when calling the hotline You cannot be punished by your supervisor or ARHS for reporting HIPAA violations.
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