Deeper Dive into 8.5 1
Disclaimer © Copyright IBM Corporation All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is confidential and provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 2
3 Rational Developer for System z through v RDz V8.0.3 – Oct RDz V – Mar Fixpack RDz v Q12 WSED WD/z 2005 RDz 2007 RDz V RDz V RDz V – Apr Fixpack 3
Editor Enhancements Search Enhancements Rational Developer for System z Roadmap Themes 4 Productivity Integration Advancing technologies
LPEX (all) Editors COBOL Editor PL/I Editor Assembler (LPEX) Editor QSAM File Editor Rational Developer for System z Roadmap Themes 5 Editor Enhancements
Show In > Program Control Flow View If you are maintaining a program that either, you didn't code, or you coded it so long ago you no longer understand its structure, you'll like the Program Control Flow view From the Context Menu Show in Program Control Flow Click a paragraph or section name and the editor will synchronize with the graphical view of the program structure Giving you: - Top-down view - Bottom-up (code) view
Occurrences in Compilation Unit – RDz If you are analyzing, researching a data problem – verifying a data flow or doing Impact Analysis, or if you just need to quickly lookup the occurrences of a variable within your program you can: 1. Select the variable 2. Right-click and select: Occurrences in Compilation Unit This opens a Search view with all occurrences of that variable: 1. Hyperlinked back to the source line of the reference 2. Color-coded – showing the variable reference in statements that
Show In > Data Elements Along with Occurrences in Compilation Unit, you can get a global (Data Division) – wide list of your variables and paragraphs with: Show In > Data Elements This creates a sort-able list of all the data elements with several actions against them: Hyper-link to any variable declaration Re-sort the list by various columns Filter the list: By data element name Remote paragraph/section labels Remove columns Open and mark occurrences throughout the source (prior topic)
Open a Program From a CALL Statement – RDz Works for Static/Dynamic calls (When your "Property Groups" are setup correctly): Select a CALL statement: Right-click on the program name Select: Open, View or Browse Program
Identify Unreachable Code You can view dead or unreachable code in the Procedure Division in version 8.5. Available from the Context Menu: Source > Identify Unreachable Code
Templates are provided for standard JCL statements, and users can create their own Templates When editing file that has been mapped to type: "jcl" - using “Ctrl+Space” in the editor will trigger a pop list allowing the user to select the template to insert into the editor contents 11 JCL Template Support (Content Assist)
Mapping Left “Ctrl” key in Emulator Added a Supplemental page within RDz “Preferences” for mapping Control Keys 12
Support for ISPF View function – copybooks and includes Hyper linking support for Open/ Browse/ View copybooks/include files 13
Open Remote Copybooks from Local Workstation Project From Local Workstation Project - provide "Open Copybook and Include" action that references Remote systems This feature provides benefits for both Team Concert (integration), and potential MIPS reduction doing offline development work using Local Workstation projects 14
TODO Comment/Tasks – New feature for LPEX Editor Ability to Filter in LPEX similar to (8.0.3) COBOL and PL/I Editors Provides ability to Filter to custom task tags Similar to, but more powerful than ISPF labels 15
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors Show In > Outline action for COBOL and PL/I editors
Find text using the hexadecimal values based on the file's remote codepage Override the behavior of the existing escape sequence “\xhh” to always be interpreted as being based on the remote codepage values. This behavior will work on both the Find text field and the Replace text field. Find for HEX Characters in COBOL & PL/I Editors 17
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors EXEC Mark “Write occurrences” capability supported in EXEC statements (EXEC CICS, EXEC DLI, EXEC SQL) Occurrences within EXEC statements known to be “writes” are highlighted with a BROWN background All “read” statements will continue to be highlighted with a GREY background 18
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors Ctrl + Mouse click hyperlink on COBOL copybooks and PL/I includes 19 TREATMENT Open Copy Member View Copy Member Browse Copy Member CUST2PLI Open Copy Member View Copy Member Browse Copy Member
Enable actions before and after a file is saved A new preference page added under the COBOL (top) and PL/I (bottom) Editor preference category called “Save Actions” Source files have an option to Format source code, plus a sub-option to only apply the capitalization When an editor is saved, the save actions will be run in this order: Formatting Save the file Identify Preprocessor Statements Identify Unreachable Code Note: PL/I Save Actions will not have: Identify Unreachable Code Formatting of Include Files 20 “Save Actions” in COBOL and PL/I Editors
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors Improve Control Statement Visualization and Navigation for statement scope terminators: COBOL Editor PERFORM... END PERFORM UNSTRING... ON OVERFLOW UNSTRING... NOT ON OVERFLOW PL/I Editor BEGIN BLOCKS IF STATEMENTS 21
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors Show matching Parenthesis and Brackets New preference pages will be added under COBOL and PL/I > Editor categories Add preference to set the color used in the matching parenthesis annotation Placing the caret to the right of an open or closed parenthesis will annotate the matching parenthesis 22
New features for COBOL, and PL/I Editors Sequence Number Support New preference pages will be added under COBOL and PL/I Editor categories called “Sequence Numbers”. Manage sequence numbers: Enables sequence numbers support and other “Options” Start Numbering at column 1 (available for COBOL only). Affects the Renumber and Unnumber actions Sequence Number submenu has been updated An action “Manage Sequence Numbers” toggles the preference, and has a key binding for quick access. Action that jumps to the Sequence Number preference 23 This option is COBOL Only
Bringing PL/I Capabilities up to par with COBOL in System z LPEX Editor and PL/I Editor – Procedural code analysis support for LPEX and PL/I Editor Call Hierarchy (perform hierarchy equivalent of PLI ) Improve PL/I Outline View Implement Go to Next/Previous Element PL/I rename PL/I Editor only Write occurrences for PL/I Indentation formatting 24
Improve PL/I Outline View New Items displayed on the PL/I outline view Packages Procedures Data Items Labels On Units Include statements 25 Tool bar actions Sorting Hide Data Elements Hide on-units Hide labels Hide Includes Opens Menu Bar Actions
Write Occurrences for PL/I Show the occurrences of writes and reads of variables in a PL/I program In the Editor User highlights a variable in the PL/I editor, pressing the “Toggle Mark Occurrences” button on the tool bar to toggles Mark Occurrences on. In the Search View Upon selecting “Occurrences in Compilation Unit” Search view is filled with lines containing reads and writes for a selected PL/I variable 26 WRITES are Gold READS are Grey
Go to Next/Previous Element – PL/I Editor Go To Next Element: Moves the caret to the next element of the program Go To Previous Element: Moves the caret to the previous element of the program Bound to Ctrl+Shift+Down and Ctrl+Shift+Up respectively (Can be changed in Preferences > Keys) 27
PL/I Indentation Formatting PL/I > Editor > Formatter Preferences page Indentation - “Enable indentation” check box will enable/disable the alteration of indentation of PL/I formatter. It is enabled by default Line Length - 3 behaviors the Added that user may select for when indenting a line moves the code past Margin R Preview updates automatically based on values in fields 28
PL/I Rename Refactoring Context menu items for Refactor and Rename in PL/I Editor Preview opens Rename problems view Continue opens Compare Editor view 29
Assembler (LPEX) Editing Features 1. You can now use a host script to generate their macro file. See: You can now specify macro files in property groups: 3. You can have the parser ignore unknown instructions, or disable syntax checking entirely: 30
Provide an ability to "preview" +/- a few lines of code before opening Search view is enhanced to show partial host file contents as tooltip Highlighting current line in the search result contents preview Some attributes controlled by Preferences z/OS Remote Search Results view Enhancements 31 Requires 8.5 Server
‘Expand All’ and ‘Collapse All’ toolbar button Capability to customize table columns – order, show/hide, width z/OS Remote Search Results view – Usability Improvements 32 ‘Customize Table’ and ‘Preferences’ shortcut added to View Menu Expand/Collapse
z/OS Search Dialog Usability 33 Ability to search for EBCDIC (hex) values Easy access to “z/OS Search Preferences” within the dialog
Three input controls are configurable Inputs are disabled if preview checkbox is unchecked Note that the 8.5 Search enhancements require RDz 8.5 server z/OS Remote Search – Preferences 34
35 Find/Replace in System z Data File Editor HEX Provided for ASCII or HEX string search Found word will be highlight with light gray background color When invalid values are entered, error messages will be shown in the bottom of the new dialog Requires 8.5 Server
Endevor RTC EE Menu Manager DB2/IMS/CICS Data Studio Debugging Configuration Files Rational Developer for System z Roadmap Themes 36 Productivity Integration Miscellaneous features
Endevor Table View Display your elements or packages in a table 37 Click on column headers to sort items by attribute. Drag and drop to re- order columns. Requires 8.5 Server
Endevor Table View Display your elements or packages in a table 38 Customize order and appearance of columns using the Customize Table panel.
Integration with z/OS Projects UPDATE element 39 RDz automatically selects entry stage according to map Labels updated 39
Show Promotion Package History 40
Compare Package History 41 Compare versions in package history
Element Actions Update List of element actions in the Custom submenu refined 42 Package actions moved exclusively to Packages repository. Batch support for all element actions
[RTC Integration] Remote Include Library Support – What it does Allows local source files to reference include files on remote systems Remote libraries are searched after local libraries COBOL and PLI SYSLIB and named libraries Supported functions Open / browse / view include file Real time syntax check Non-supported functions Other languages Functions provided by external tools Syntax check Show dependencies Project build Preprocessors 43 Requires 8.5 Server
44 Remote Include Library Support (from RTC) – What it looks like
Menu Manager Enhancements 45 Before v8.5, Menu Manager context menu options were not available on libraries (PDS) – only against library members and within edited source. Now Menu Manager options available as Right-click Context Menu on libraries in Remote Systems explorer. Note that there are some subtle changes to the Menu Manager development steps necessary to accommodate this new functionality.
Data Studio – Bundled and Shell Shares with 46 Provides: Visual Explain Table editor – that allows row/column table subsetting for editing large tables DBA tools
47 Simplified Debug Configurations – for DB2 Stored Procedures DB2 Stored Procedure Debug Configuration
48 Simplified Debug Configuration for IMS and CICS Online Testing IMS Debug Configuration Note that CICS Debug Configuration similar (and as easy to setup) No more need to access green screen
IBM z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (zUnit) Code Review Code Coverage Push to client Task Flows (Cheat Sheets) Rational Developer for System z Roadmap Themes 49 Productivity Integration Miscellaneous technologies
RDz – IBM z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (zUnit) Unit testing framework for COBOL and PL/I Similar to JUNIT for Java RDz will have Test runner infrastructure Wizards to create COBOL and/or PLI test cases Build and run the test cases Display the test execution results along with trace back information 50 Requires 8.5 Server
zUnit Test Case creation wizard 51
zUnit Test Configuration Viewer 52
Code Coverage RDz 803 introduced the ability to generate Code Coverage reports. From the report, the source view can be launched to see the colored annotations that indicate the coverage (or not ) RDz 8.5 offers: Choice of Function or Line level coverage Threshold settings - i.e. line level must be >80% covered to be considered successful Code Coverage launch view enhancements Success indicator - based on thresholds Actions appear in popup menu when selecting results - improved usability 53
Code Review use cases 54 Code Review implemented in v8.0.3 Automated coding standards electronically desk-checked Support for COBOL sets of rules Approximately 20 default rules with another 6 custom Analysis and quality report generation v8.5 Enhancements Additional COBOL rules requested by customers Now almost 50 default rules and 10 custom Code review support for PL/I - analysis engine and set of rules/templates COBOL Custom rules support
New Packaged COBOL Rules 55
PL/I rules and templates in 56
COBOL Custom rules support 57
RDz 8.0.x Push to Client - Configuration Files An Export Wizard – to help one person – preferably an Admin to configure various settings on RDz client and upload it to a central location. Upon connecting to the host, a user is notified if they have incoming changes to their configuration files. If the product version on the client is less than a specified target version, the client will be updated to the target version. The target version is associated with an Installation Manager response file on the host. Client workbench is updated via Installation Manager update RDz – Added Group based configuration 58
Push to client 59 Enhanced Push to Client Software Analyzer rules behavior Provide a "merge" capability so that the users changes do not get overridden when Code Rule configurations are re-downloaded Host setting Changes to Group based Configuration in The new configuration files which are created locally are always exported to the bounded group. A Configuration File can only be exported to the same authentication group from which it was imported. - User downloads configuration file Config1 from the default group, the export also goes to default The group drop-down list on the Export dialog is set to the bounded configuration group and the drop-down list is disabled Requires 8.5 Server
Task Flows and Cheat Sheets Providing “cheat sheets” to guide new users in learning and exploring core RDz functions 4 “Do” scenarios to guide users through tasks like data set access, edit, program analysis, and web service generation Additional task-based scenario documentation under “Learn” 60
Cheat sheet in action 1.User clicks on a step to launch the cheatsheet pop-up 2. Cheatsheet guides user to complete that task
Summary – Version 8.5 Server-dependent Features 8.5 Server-dependent features zUnit - Automated Unit Testing Framework CARMA/Endevor enhancements Ability to filter out archived data sets RTC - RDz integration changes Search for EBCDIC Hex Search Results "Preview"
New Features for Editors LPEX Editor Show In Accessing called programs Marked occurrences ISPF View option for copybooks Expose "dead code" JCL Content Assist TODO comment tasks COBOL Editor Show In Accessing called programs Marked occurrences ISPF View option for copybooks Expose "dead code" JCL Content Assist Mark occurrences for EXEC statements Save actions Visual Annotations Show matching logic parenthesis Sequence number support Find in Hex PL/I Editor Show In Accessing called programs Marked occurrences ISPF View option for copybooks Expose "dead code" JCL Content Assist Mark occurrences for EXEC statements Save actions Visual Annotations Show matching logic parenthesis Sequence number support Call Hierarchy Improved Outline view Go to Next/Previous element Write occurrences colorization PL/I name refactoring PL/I Indentation Reformat Find in Hex