S2 History World War II
Starter Task 1)What relevance do the pictures have to WW2? Try to write down an explanation for as many as you can. 2)Create your own title page which should have the title of our topic and pictures.
Adolf Hitler Lesson starter: Write down three things you know about Hitler.
Today we will… Understand some events in Hitler’s childhood Analyze how they may have contributed to his personality as an adult
I can… Recall at least 5 facts about Hitler’s life. Create an imaginary school report for Hitler as a child.
Adolf Hitler As we move through the lesson, take notes on the childhood and life of Hitler on a mind map. You will need these notes for today’s task! 1. Early life 2. School life 3. After school 4. World War One
20 th April 1889Adolf was born to Alois and Klara Hitler on 20 th April 1889 in Braunau, Austria Both his parents came from poor backgrounds only Adolf and Paula survivedHis parents had five children but only Adolf and Paula survived
Hitler was bright at primary school, but there was more competition at secondary history and artThe only subjects he really liked were history and art His history teacher was the only one he liked war, weapons and victoryHe was obsessed with stories about war, weapons and victory Hitler liked to boss other children around and give rules So he had very few friends
Paintings by Adolf Hitler as an adult
Hitler’s father wanted him to go in to an office job and make money wanted to go to art schoolHitler wanted to go to art school When his father died, Hitler received money in his will and moved to Vienna did not get into Art SchoolHe did not get into Art School His mum died in 1907
rejectedAustrian National Service - rejected messengerJoined German Army as a messenger Injured by Shrapnel Injured by Mustard Gas Iron Cross bravery medalHe won the Iron Cross bravery medal Hitler cried when Germany lost
The German Iron Cross
Some historians think that… Hitler’s mum was treated by a Jewish doctor during her battle with cancer A Jewish professor rejected him from Art School Hitler had a relationship with his half niece (daughter of his sister Hitler) He was cruel to animals
Today’s Task 1.Use your mind map to write Hitler’s School report using the following headings: Academic strengths Academic weaknesses Personality Some helpful phrases: Adolf shows great potential... Adolf needs to develop... Adolf shows great talent... Adolf is yet to display...
Today we will… Understand some events in Hitler’s childhood Analyze how they may have contributed to his personality as an adult
I can… Recall at least 5 facts about Hitler’s life. Create an imaginary school report for Hitler as a child.