Enron: 21,000 Arthur Anderson: 29,000 Retirement: $1.2 Billion Pensions: $2 Billion /media/PHO-09Dec jpg
Ken Lay Founder Humble Roots “Kenny Boy” Valhalla Scandal
Lou Pai CEO Energy Services and Xcelerator Exotic Interest Huge Losses
Andrew Fastow CFO Special Purpose Entities Merrill Lynch Fraud JEDI and Chewco
Jeff Skilling President Extreme Behavior Mark-to-Market Arthur Anderson Performance Review Committee “Enron Illusion” Resign and Decline
Corporate Governance Tone at the Top Culture Code of Conduct Performance Review Committee “Hubris and greed instead of goals and aspirations…”
Litigation Fastow sentenced to reduced term of 10 years Lou Pai got away with $250 million Jeffrey Skilling was sentenced to 24 years in prison Ken Lay died awaiting sentencing died in 2006