Back To School Night
Our Goals For our students to become independent, responsible and respectful leaners. For students to enjoy learning and feel confident in their skills
Teacher Expectations Rules & Consequences are consistent among all 5 th grade teachers Rewards – Marble Jars – Earn it & Return It Cards – Consequences Point Sheet
Projects Information will be clearly printed Rubrics for grading will be given prior to due dates Due dates may be broken down Read instructions carefully! with questions or concerns
Additional Info All work must be in cursive Field Trip: Buehler Challenger Center is the best form of communication Other subjects taught to homework: – Health; Spanish; Study Kills – Extra help Parent / Teacher Conferences in November – Different Format
Science & Social Studies Ms. Andresen Science – Extension of last year’s topics plus additional topics – Provide as many hands-on opportunities as possible Geography – Will have a basic knowledge of geographical terms – Will know location of countries on each continent – Culture iPad Technology – Classroom set of iPads for in-class use
Grading Policy Test 50% Quizzes 35% Homework 15%
Mathematics Ms. Raymond McGraw- Hill “My Math” program is new this year! o We call it the “Math life-line!” o Homework is built in and titled “My Homework” o Study vocabulary, My Homework pages, and Review pages for tests/ quizzes o Textbook logistics– paper back, bring back and forth to school, 2 volumes throughout year o On-line e-book, examples, flashcards, and support resources for each lesson o Fully aligned with new NJ Common Core standards
Math topics this year will include… 1- Place Value 2- Multiply Whole Numbers 3- Divide by a 1-Digit Divisor 4- Divide by a 2-Digit Divisor 5- Add and Subtract Decimals 6- Multiply and Divide Decimals 7- Expressions and Patterns 8- Fractions and Decimals 9- Add and Subtract Fractions 10- Multiply and Divide Fractions 11- Measurement 12- Geometry Mathematics Ms. Raymond
Homework Details o Posted every night on the Wanaque website under Wanaque School Homework Portal o “Homework Helper” section reviews concept from lesson o Homework is graded based on completion, not correctness o Reviewed every day in class o 15 % of whole grade o 10 assignments = averaged homework grade o How can you help?? Mathematics Ms. Raymond
Class activities include… o “Math Minutes” daily o Math Journal entries weekly o Use of Smart board, interactive tools and manipulatives on Smart Board o Hands- on use of manipulatives to build concrete understanding o Activities on computers for practicing math facts, previously covered topics o A lot of student participation, group work, guided practice from teacher, interactive learning, sharing of reasoning o Weekly Challenge! Mathematics Ms. Raymond
Assessment o Tests- 50% o Quizzes and projects- 35% o Always announced to students o Will be sent home for your review on graded papers log and then sent back o 1 per chapter o Projects– apply skills from chapter in a creative way applied to real world On- line edition of textbook o Students’ usernames and passwords to log in are coming soon! Do not hesitate to me or call with any questions! OR Wanaque phone # x218 Mathematics Ms. Raymond
Ms. McLaughlin Language Arts Themes Unit 1- Playing With Words Unit 2- Renaissance Thinking Unit 3- Clues to a Culture Unit 4- America in Conflict Unit 5- Exploration, Real and Imagine Unit 6- Coming of Age
Language Arts Writing/ Research Projects- 35% Tests- 30% Homework/Participation- 20% Quizzes- 15%
Reading Tests- 40% Homework- 20% Classwork/Participation- 20% Quizzes- 20%
Spelling Tests- 40% Dictation- 15% Homework- 25% Classwork/Participation- 20%