Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Update on IHE-Laboratory Charles Parisot General Electric Medical Systems IT
IHE Laboratory 1, soon 4 Integration Profiles Provide users a single name and centralized authentication process across all systems Point of Care Testing(Future) Extend laboratory testing with bedside testing devices Retrieve Information for Display Access a patient’s clinical information and documents in a format ready to be presented to the requesting user Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Admit, Discharge, Transfer a patient, order lab tests, collect specimen, perform tests, report results. Synchronize multiple applications on a desktop to the same patient Patient Synchronized Applications Cooperation with external laboratory Outside Healthcare Enterprise Testing (Future) Provide users a single name and centralized authentication process across all systems Laboratory Patient Information Reconciliation (Future) Updates resulting from unidentified or misidentified Patient Retrieve Information for Display Access a patient’s clinical information and documents in a format ready to be presented to the requesting user Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Admit, Discharge, Transfer a patient, order lab tests, collect specimen, perform tests, report results.
IHE-Lab Technical Framework Retrieve Information for Display Access a patient’s clinical information and documents in a format ready to be presented to the requesting user Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Admit, Discharge, Transfer a patient, order lab tests, collect specimen, perform tests, report results. Lab-TF Trial Implementation has been issued on November 15, 2003
Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Abstract / Scope Spans ordering, conformity of specimens, lab automation, results delivery. Handles all major types of workflows: – Externally placed order with identified specimens – Externally placed order with specimens unidentified or to be collected by the laboratory – Internally placed order with specimens identified by third party or collected by the laboratory Shares ADT transactions with Radiology
Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Value Proposition A comprehensive workflow approach – Spans all countries – Address specimen linkage – most lab specialties: Blood gases, Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology, Laboratory, Microbiology, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, Serology, Toxicology, Virology. Provides workflow improvement – Increases continuity and integrity of clinical data – Decreases user need for manual tasks.
Laboratory Scheduled Workflow Key Technical Properties Standard Used : HL7 V2.5 – Released 2003 – Includes significant extensions developed by HL7 UK and Germany for specimen tracking – Leverages broad acceptance world-wide of HL7 V2 – Offers the option to support HL7V2-XML IHE Integration Profile value-add: – A robust data model supporting all necessary workflow concepts. – Offers a significant improvement over V2.3 for a reasonable incremental effort.
Laboratory Scheduled workflow Already defined In Radiology TF