S UPPORTING I NSTRUMENT FOR R OAD S AFETY S TRATEGY AND P OLICY B UILDING – P OLISH R OAD S AFETY O BSERVATORY Dagmara Jankowska-Karpa Justyna Wacowska-Ślęzak 3 rd Conference on Effective Road Safety Campaigns – CERSC 2016 Budapest, March 16-18, 2016
The beginning… – significant increase in the number of road accidents’ victims in Poland 1990 – project of road safety data bank at ITS 1991 – creation of road accidents database with records since 1990 (with the cooperation of Police) 1997 – ITS as IRTAD member 2002 – project SIS – Safety Information System to create Road Safety Information System at ITS 2003 – ITS as CARE member 2005 – GAMBIT 2005 – one of the tasks of road safety improvement program was the establishment of Polish Road Safety Observatory 2006 – development of the concept of POBR database by ITS commissioned by National Road Safety Council 2009 – funds to launch POBR received from EU Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E)
Project „Establishing of Polish Road Safety Observatory” –EU Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment OPI&E –PRIORITY VIII: Transport safety and national transport networks –ACTION 8.1: Road traffic safety An investment project which includes the purchase of a dedicated computer system, hardware and equipment required to launch Polish Road Safety Observatory (POBR) Duration: November 2010 – May 2014 The official opening of POBR – May 21 st,2014
Aims of POBR The main objective of POBR is to contribute to the reduction in the number of road accidents and casualties in Poland = improvement of road safety level. By providing data and knowledge to support central and local administration in the process of road safety problems identification, road safety management and strategy development and planning of preventive actions. As a source of information to help in the process of evaluation of implemented projects. To verify and improve the quality of collected data. To expand the scope of data and acquire new databases. To educate the society, disseminate information and knowledge concerning road safety towards authorities, politicians, experts, administration staff, activists, local communities members etc.
What is POBR Forum for exchange of information, knowledge and data Platform for cooperation of all stakeholders Tool to support road safety management POBR focuses on collecting, analysing, and disseminating data related to the most important road safety issues. The data are used, among other things, to evaluate the effectiveness of the undertaken actions, to create a sound road safety policy and to raise public awareness on road safety risks.
POBR users Institutions/authorities on central level Institutions/authorities on local level Non-governmental organizations Road managers at all levels Specialists representing different disciplines: police officers, designers, psychologists, teachers, lawyers, students etc. International institutions: IRTAD, ETSC, CARE Media Representatives of local communities / general public
POBR System POBR computer system consists of two parts: data warehouse (HD) web portal Data verification validation geocoding Data warehouse Risk maps Data exports CADaS IRTAD Web portal Publications: articles, graphs, maps, tables, reports, etc. Interactive map Reports: graphs maps tables SEWiK GUS CEPiK GPR Data
POBR data warehouse Integrates data from different sources (SEWiK – Registry System of Accidents and Collisions, CEPiK – Central Registry of Vehicles and Thefts, GUS – Central Statistical Office of Poland, GPR – General Traffic Measurements) Data: accidents and collisions, vehicles, roads, population, area, drivers, traffic measurements, road safety actions, publications and institutions base Data covering period of 25 years (since 1990) Data proceeding with Buisness Intelligence tools Mapinfo – thematic maps Application to create risk maps on national and regional roads Input to data warehouse every month/year/5 years – depending on the source Data undergo mapping, transforming, geocoding, validation Completing SEWIK database with information on geographic coordinates of accidents – possibility to visualise data on maps End users can visit or ITS premises
Data warehouse – complex system architecture
Data warehouse – multidimensional IT report of a single accident record accident site description weather conditions road geometry persons involved road surface condition external damages (outside of vehicle) road characteristics risk factors (i.e. lack of seatbelts use) risk factors (i.e. alcohol and other drugs involvement) vehicle description vehicle condition
Select year Select time frame for your query Example of query from POBR database
Example of MapInfo tool use
POBR web portal Reports and statistical analyses Road safety problems Results of research and analyses Information on publications and projects News on upcoming conferences / events, campaigns, changes in law, preventive actions
Interactive map and database on web portal
Results of the analyses
Future plans / tasks of POBR Expansion of POBR database: –information on all drivers (not only involved in accidents) from CEK – Central Registry of Drivers (driving licence holding period, age, gender, demerit points, tickets etc.) –first attempt to verify Police database by database of health/medical services –involvement in AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) introduction in Poland – establishment of working group at Ministry of Infrastructure/National Road Safety Council Inclusion of POBR system into „Digital Poland Program” (funding), which aims at supporting crucial databases for national use and development
POBR web portal
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