Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Road traffic injury reduction 24 April 2013 Dr Sarah J Jones
WHY? Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones 126 Deaths 1,666 In-patient admissions 12,933 Attendances at Emergency Department
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones Local authority areas with the highest and lowest MVTC in-patient admission rates per 100,000, 2009 Produced by Public Health Wales and Swansea University, using PEDW (NWIS) and MYE (ONS)
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones Relative burden of MVTC injuries in Wales, by sex and age, 2009 Produced by Public Health Wales and Swansea University, using PEDW (NWIS), ADDE (ONS)
Evidence What works –Street lighting –Traffic calming –Speed limit enforcement –Booster seats / restraints –Seat belts –Cycle helmets +/- legislation –Speed cameras –GDL –Red light cameras –Cataract surgery What doesn’t work –Ignition interlocks –School based driver education –Post licence driver education Lack of evidence –Pedestrian education –Vision screening older drivers –Motorcycle training –Alcohol server int. –Pedestrian / cyclist visibility Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
WHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT IT? Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
SafeArea Web tool Supports community access to information for action Phase 1 –Pedestrian and cycling safety –Swansea CC Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Aims Search for and view and compare community areas and places via a web map View road safety issues relating to schools within their community Navigate to and view maps of road safety stats View statistics on accident data for the area View traffic calming measures for the area View speed surveys for the area Contact councillors, PCSOs and local interest groups Community reporting tools to report road safety issues (i.e. speeding, dangerous driving, damaged road crossing etc.) Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones Data TypeSourceInformationPresentation Routinely collected data Road AccidentsSTATS19, Severity, vehicle type, road conditions Map and area level Traffic CalmingOrdnance SurveyTraffic Calming locations and type Map and area level Traffic CalmingSwansea Council - CAD maps All new and updated traffic calming features in last 10 years Map and area level Speed data Swansea Council: Speed surveys and DFS (flashing speed signs) Average speed, overall and by the hour Map and area level Traffic Counts traffic-counts traffic-counts and council speed survey data Average traffic counts, overall and by the hour Map and area level Speed Camera data eed-camera-database.htmhttp:// eed-camera-database.htm ? Location of speed cameras Map and area level Additional road safety data Swansea Council/Neath Port Talbot - CAD maps Potentially written complaints & Safer Routes in Communities projects Map with link to further info Survey Data Road safety in and around schools Swansea Council have agreed to complete a survey for all schools in Swansea 20mph zones, practical and educational road safety offered, Safer Routes to School, School Travel Plan, cycling proficiency Icon on map linking to further info How children travel to school Swansea Council and schools in Swansea -Travel to school survey How children travel to school and how they would like to travel to school Icon on map linking to further info Crowd sourcing Road safety concerns General public. User’s will be able to login and highlight concerns/flag incidents Speeding; dangerous driving; accidents not attended by police? etc Map Council reportAutomated report produced by SafeArea Automated report, collating road safety data and concerns/complaints received from public Authorised access?
Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Now With Graduated Driver Licensing Learner period; un-restricted durationUn-restricted full licence Minimum length learner period Fixed term, restricted intermediate period – no night time driving, no teen passengers, no alcohol 1 in 5 newly qualified drivers crash within 6 months of obtaining their licence. Most newly qualified drivers are aged under people per day are killed or seriously injured in crashes involving young drivers in the UK Graduated driver licensing could save 80 lives a year in Great Britain, prevent 7,000 casualties and save the GB economy £335M per year Dr Sarah J Jones,
Child safety exposure survey To support development of a child safety index for 8-13 yr olds Actual and perceived safety Supports identification and implementation of local interventions Online, EU wide Annual survey (intention!) To be used by schools / local groups Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Survey (2) Survey items; 16Q, 5min completion –Home safety –Active travel –Road safety –Water safety –Play safety –Access to alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs –Bullying Available April 2014 Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
Local action, supported nationally Pilot –Pembrokeshire –Wales BOI data presented to road safety partnership –Offer to support evaluation and analysis (protocol for PH analysis) –Work on local priorities; identification of evidence based interventions or set up pilots with robust evaluation built in Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones
What next? Actions –5 actions per ‘organisation’ Accountability –Who’s responsibility? Road traffic injury reduction Dr Sarah J Jones