Network model of VANET modeling Shlomy Nahum
VANET – Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. Provides communications among nearby vehicles, and nearby fixed equipment. traffic information. safety and comfort for passengers. multimedia and internet connectivity facilities for passengers. A facility for automatic payment for parking lots and toll collection Introduction 2/16
Motivation 3/16
Motivation 4/16
Motivation 5/16
6/16 VANET Applications Co-operative Collision WarningLane Change WarningIntersection Collision Warning Approaching Emergency vehicleRollover WarningWork Zone Warning Coupling/DecouplingInter-Vehicle CommunicationsElectronic Toll Collection
Network nodes On-Board Units (OBUs) Roadside Units (RSUs) Network Model 7/16
OBU’s 8/16
Dedicated short range communication (DSRC) IEEE p IEEE P1609 Communication 9/16
Applications , et al p LLC Multi-Channel Operation IPv6 UDP / TCP Management PlaneData Plane WME MLME WSMP PLME Airlink WAVE PHY WAVE MAC 11/16
Network Model Supporting VANET operations Certificate authorities (CAs) Governments Network operators 12//16
Network Model RSUs infrastructure 13/16
Summery Sound Good? 14/16 Conclusion
15/16 Sound Good?
Hannes Hartenstein, Kenneth P Laberteaux, “VANET: Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies” Andreas Festag, Alban Hessler, Roberto Baldessari, Long Le, Wenhui Zhang, Dirk Westhoff, “ VEHICLE-TO-VEHICLE AND ROAD-SIDE SENSOR COMMUNICATION FOR ENHANCED ROAD SAFETY “ Jérôme Härri, Fethi Filali and Christian Bonnet, “A Framework for Mobility Models Generation and its application to Inter-Vehicular Networks” Reference 16/16