IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Team up with environmental science students to collaborate on a cross-curricular activity involving exponential growth or decay videos. -model exponential growth and decay problems. -analyze and predict future values of exponential functions. -communicate knowledge of exponential functions in real-world situations. -collaborate with environmental science students to make a video acting out and explaining real world examples of exponential growth or decay. Blackboard Desmos Today’s Meet Google Research Work in groups to research real world examples of exponential growth or decay. -model exponential growth and decay. -create a comic strip using the findings of their investigation. -present and critique comic strip presentations. Blackboard Desmos Google Research BitStrips for Schools Use Khan Academy to self-teach the lesson, Pearson realize to self-assess using the lesson quiz, and a graphing calculator. -model exponential growth and decay Khan Academy QR Code Generator Pearson Realize Use the Pearson Realize software to access your book online and take an online exit ticket rather than a pencil paper version. -model exponential growth and decay Pearson Realize Louisiana Math Standard (include description): A-SSE.A.1, A.SSE.A.1a, A-SSE.A.1b, A-SSE.B.3c, A-CED.A.2, F-IF.B.4 Teacher: Dorcas Preatto MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Lesson 7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay 1.Log-into Pearson Realize. 2.Under your assignments tab you will find 3 items listed 1.Lesson 7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay Text 2.Take the Lesson 7-7 Lesson Check 1.You may watch the virtual nerd video prior to testing. 2.If you answer any questions incorrectly. Transfer them to loose leaf and submit for additional points. Use the Pearson Realize software to access your book online and take an online exit ticket rather than a pencil paper version. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The scholar will model exponential growth and decay. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Lesson 7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay 1. F-IFhttps:// F-IF 1.Complete the practice problems after watching the instructional video. (Direct Instruction) 2.Each student will be given a QR code with a link to questions from the lesson. (Guided Practice) 3.Log-in to Pearson Online and complete the lesson quiz. (Independent Practice) 1.If needed use your online book as a guide. Use Khan Academy to self-teach the lesson, Pearson realize to self-assess using the lesson quiz, and a graphing calculator. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The scholar will model exponential growth and decay. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay 1.Find a real world example of exponential growth or decay using Google. 1.Examples must include some form of data because you will need to graph. 2.You will need to write and solve and expression to represent the data and add values to your real world data. 2.Once your group decides on an example and completes the first task, you will use Desmos the graph your data. 3.Once you graph and discuss your data. Your group will create an online comic strip using bitstrips to depict your chosen situation. After the comic strips are created, they will be uploaded to blackboard. Each group will present & critique each other via blackboard discussion. Work in groups to research real world examples of exponential growth or decay. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The scholar will model exponential growth and decay. The scholar will create a comic strip using the findings of their investigation. The scholar will present and critique comic strip presentations. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay 1.Choose a topic in environmental science that deals with exponential growth or decay (ex: birth rate, the rate a virus spreads, etc.) 2.Once the topic is chosen, research trends in their topic. Research will be conducted using Google and students in Alg. and Env. Sci. will communicate via Today’s Meet during their prospective class periods. 3.On the 3 rd instructional day, brainstorm video ideas face-to-face while working to construct your charts and graphs. 4.You will have 2 days to film and edit their videos using Windows MovieMaker. 5.All videos will be uploaded to Blackboard for critique and grading. 6.Groups will also present during joint classes. Team up with environmental science students to collaborate on a cross-curricular activity involving exponential growth or decay videos. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): 1.Students will: 1.model exponential growth and decay problems. 2.analyze and predict future values of exponential functions. 3.communicate knowledge of exponential functions in real- world situations. 4.Collaborate with environmental science students to make a video acting out and explaining real world examples of exponential growth or decay. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.