Learning Objective: Students will be able to explain how the printing press disseminated Renaissance ideas in Europe.
dis-sem-i-nate (transitive and intransitive verb) to distribute or spread something, especially information, widely, or become widespread. Disseminate
Papermaking comes_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ In the 1400s__________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ The First Bibles_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
By the late 700s paper making had come from China to the Middle East. From there it came to Europe. European factories were making paper by the 1300s. Because it was cheaper and easier to prepare, paper soon replaced the animal skins on which people had written on before. For the first time ever, thousands of people could read books, and pamphlets and share ideas about them. Paper and Papermaking
Pam-phlet (noun) a small leaflet or paper booklet, usually unbound and coverless, that gives information or supports a position. pamphlets
Whiteboards Where did the making of paper originate (start)? A.In Mongolia B.In Italy C.In China D.In the Mid-East C. In China
Whiteboards By when were European factories making paper? A.By the 700s B.By the 1300s C.By the 1400s D.By God B. By the 1300s
Then in the 1400s a German from the Holy Roman Empire, Johann Gutenberg ( GOOT-unh-berk ), developed a printing press with movable type. That is each letter is a separate piece. A worker could fit letters into a frame, spread ink on the letters, and press a sheet of paper against the letters. In this way, an entire page was printed at once. Then the worker could rearrange the letters in the frame to create a new page. Gutenberg and his invention
Think/Pair/Share Why would movable type be a faster way to spread information than the method in the Middle Ages?
How are books printed in 1000 AD?
What does Gutenberg’s press help spread?
THE FIRST BIBLE: The first printed book was the Bible, printed in Latin about 1455 AD. The Bible was eventually translated into several vernacular languages, much to the church’s disfavor. But now Bibles were suddenly available to more people. Because the Bible was available to read, more people learned to read. Then, the more people read the demand for improved education increased.
Ver-nac-u-lar (noun) the everyday language of the people in a country or region, as distinct from official or formal language. vernacular
Think Pair-Share In what language was the Bible originally printed? Latin. The availability of the Bible made this phenomena take place? The desire to learn to read.
Predict what will happen after the Bible is printed in the common language. Answers vary: People will begin to learn about religion on their own and question religious authority. The church will react strongly to those who oppose their authority. How do you think the availability of paper and the printing press impacted renaissance Europe? By having more books and pamphlets available new ideas would travel far and wide.
Yesterdays’ printing press is like todays’ you tube.
Papermaking comes to the mid-east from China. From the mid-east papermaking comes to Europe. In the 1400s European papermaking is flourishing. Gutenberg invents the printing press which includes the papermaking industry. The first Bibles are printed in Latin. As people are exposed to this new technique they want the Bible in their vernacular so they can access it for themselves.