MODAPS PIP Report January 27,
Summary of MODAPS Production 1/27 Collection 5 Forward Processing –Terra and Aqua are as close to real time as possible. –Collection 5 Aqua atmospheres processing stopped on December 31, All forward processing is now collection 051. –LST C41 for Terra and Aqua is running in parallel with C5 until collection 6 starts in 2010.
Reprocessing (1/27) Collection 5 Land Reprocessing –We are processing 4 additional tiles of BRDF in the Arctic region from start of mission. (2000/ /153 and 2002/ have completed. –The monthly snow products have been reprocessed through 2005 for all periods impacted by the maneuver reprocessing. This should be completed by Wednesday, January 28. Collection 051 Aqua atmospheres Reprocessing –The leading edge is 2005/293 The current x-rate is 14.4x The average x-rate since the start of reprocessing is 13.6x Collection 041 Land LST Aqua and Terra Reprocessing –Reprocessing began at data day 2007/001 –The leading edge is 2007/258 The current x-rate is 6.8x
Summary of PGE Deliveries to SDST (1/27) Level 1: –A Terra L1B for collection 6 has been baselined. –Work has continued on the Collection 6 PGE01 and the initial delivery is expected in February. Atmospheres: –All atmospheres PGEs have been converted to Linux. PGEs 55, 57, 69, 70, 81 and 89 have been baselined; PGE69 failed in science testing and has been returned to STTG –New versions of Terra PGEs for C051 are expected in February. Land: –We have received the collection 6 PGE16 (LST). –Initial delivery of collection 6 PGE11 is expected in February. –A problem with the meta data in the Linux version of PGE 28 needs to be corrected. A new Linux version is expected. –A new version of PGE23 (uses L2G light input) has been baselined
Summary of Science Testing 1/27 Atmospheres: –An IRIX/Linux comparison test completed for PGEs 55, 57 and 70. Results have been approved and we are waiting for a PCR. –An IRIX/Linux comparison test for PGEs 69 failed and is being investigated. –A one month reference test (April 2005) using de-registered L1B data has completed and is under review. Modifications need to be made to the level 3 code to complete the evaluation. A second science test with the level 3 modifications completed and is under review. –A one-month science test for PGE 83 C051 for April 2005 has completed and is under review. Land Science Testing: –A 16-day, 10 tile test for L2g-lites completed and in under review. –A new Linux/Irix science test for PGE60 that included the fix for 1 tile has completed. The results have been approved and we are waiting for a PCR –A PGE23 (L2G lites) science test has completed and is under review There was a 35% increase in performance L1 Science Testing: –Four 1-day tests for the Collection 6 L1B (Terra and Aqua) have been completed An additional 1-day golden tile test has completed and is under review Mandriva 2008 Science Testing: –An additional test for PGEs 07 and 08 will be run using PGE01, 02 and 03 input generated on the Mandrake system. This test completed and is under review. –16 days of Terra and Aqua were processed for Land –3 days of level 2 and daily products were processed for atmospheres –The atmospheres PGEs that have recently been converted to Linux have not been tested on Mandriva.