The Romanov’s Michael Romanov->rose to power 1613, after Ivan the Terrible and subsequent “Time of Troubles” Peter the Great->Late 17C ->westernized, capital ->St. Petersburg->shaved the beards, aristocracy->military caste, controlled the church (Orthodox) Catherine the Great->German Princess->killed her husband?->Enlightened Despot?->Partition of Poland->Potemkin Villages?
19 th Century Romanov Alexander I –(Catherine’s Grandson, killed his father?) –Allied w/Napoleon after the Battle of Troppau, defeated him later –Established Holy Alliance Decembrist Revolt- upon death Alexander I –Russian officers influenced by French Revolution- failed Nicholas I –Brother of Alexander (other brother, Constantine Duke of Warsaw) – Repressive, Subdues Polish Rebellion 1831, helps Franz Joseph in 1848 defeat Hungarians (Magyars)- Increased Secret Police Crimean War –3 rd Rome? –Holy Lands –Failure
Alexander II Alexander II ( ) –Emancipated Serfs –Establishment of Zemstvos –Mirs –Three Emperors League –Russo-Turk war Failed Treaty San Stefano-> Congress of Berlin –Assassinated->Church of the Bloody Saviour Mutiliated he died at the Palace
Cultural Life 19C Rise of –Exiles- Bakunin— –Intellectuals –Authors Pushkin- Boris Gudonov Dostoyevsky- Brother’s Karamasov Tolstoy- War and Peace Chekhov- The Seagull –Musicians Tchaikovsky –Radical Revolutionaries The Will of the People, Land and Freedom
Alexander III ( ) Conservative, –Monarchy, Church, Russia Pogroms Centralized power->Took power away from Zemstvos Killed Alexander Ulyanov->member of the Will of the People Reinsurance treaty w/Germany- Beginnings Entente w/France Industrialization- Serge Witte
Nicholas II Erudite, Immature? Easily manipulated Wife Alexandra (German Princess) granddaughter of Queen Victoria –Hemophilia - alexis- Industrialization –Witte (comparable to who in history?)
It’s good to be Tsar
Merci France?
Russo-Japanese War Nichts danke Willy—Imperialism gone wrong You’ve sunk my Battleship!- Port Arthur— How do you spell lose? R u s s I a! Pacific Fleet…then Baltic TR Rescue- Witte best supporting role- save face- Treaty of Portsmouth
Sunday Bloody Sunday Father Gapon—how could this expression of patriotism go so wrong?
Tsaravich Alexis “Any bump or bruise rupturing a tiny blood vessel beneath the skin could begin the slow seepage of blood in surrounding muscle and tissue. Instead of clotting…the blood continued to flow unchecked for hours…Eventually, when the skin was hard and tight, filled with blood like a balloon, pressure slowed the hemorrhage. Once although no pain..The Tsaravich almost died from a nosebleed.”
Chaos –1500+ govt. workers killed by rioters/radicals –???revolutionaries died—govt claims 600+ –Riots, Baltic states, Poland, Finland, military, months of chaos –Witte- advises Duma, Military advises Duma –Nicholas gives in, but the riots don’t stop,
Constitutional Government? Duma I, Duma II-> Duma III Witte Fired->Stolypin
Stolypin Office w/in months bombed— 31 die. Son and daughter injured—Stolypin works— 600+ hanged throughout Russia Conservative-not reactionary Land Reform for Peasants…end of the Mir
Gaining Control 3 rd —4 th Duma—finally ok! Rasputin Great Harvests!— Developing stability International investment, even Singer Sewing Machines! International Harvester Trucks 1908 Balkans crisis 1911 Stolypin assassinated
Rasputin A “staret”, disheveled, unkept, Peasant, incredible success. At least 2x Alexis at death’s door
Duma and Ministers working effectively Letters of Alexandra re: Rasputin become Public Continued strong economy Balkan crisis growing
Empress Foreign born? German/English Aloof, Prim, Victorian- Grandmama helped raise her Scandal? Devoted increasingly disliked
Romanov family 1914 Insulated? Isolated Adored Alexis last born