Los Superlativos Remember that Comparatives compare the quality of an adjective or adverb between two people/things: John is taller than Tom. Ana runs faster than Luisa Superlatives compare a quality of an adjective or adverb between more than two people/things: Ana is the smartest student in the class. Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Héctor runs the fastest in the class.
To form the Superlative, use the following pattern: más + adjective/adverb + de OR menos + adjective/adverb + de Ana is the smartest student in the class. Ana es la alumna más inteligente de la clase. Mt Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Mt Everest es la montaña más alta del mundo. Héctor runs the fastest in the class. Héctor corre la más rápido de la clase. You may sometimes omit the noun: Ana is the smartest in the class. (implying smartest student) Ana es la más inteligente de la clase.
Raquel and Laura are the least known writers in the city. Raquel y Laura son las escritoras menos conocidas de la ciudad. Sometimes the included group may be omitted: Roses are the most beautiful flowers. (implying ‘of the world’) Las rosas son las flores más bellas. (implying ‘del mundo’)
Like comparatives, some adjectives have irregular Superlative forms: AdjectiveComparativeSuperlative Buenomejorel/la mejor Malopeorel/la peor Viejo(people)mayorel/la mayor Joven(people)menorel/la menor