Teaching and Learning in a Web 2.0 World
Today’s Purpose Review of Session 2 Overview of wikis and blogs Learning benefits of wikis and blogs Teaching strategies using wikis and blogs Wiki search engines; Blog search engines Wikis by discipline; Blogs by discipline Custom wiki sites; Custom blog sites WikiSpaces; creating a custom wiki Blogger; creating a custom blog Lesson Plan activity Assessing learning activities
What is Facebook? Facebook is a global social networking site. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by topic, workplace, school, or college. Social Networks in Plain English
Facebook Samples of Facebook
Facebook Learning Benefits of Facebook Students are comfortable with the structure and environment Informal; inviting atmosphere Promotes collaboration Uses current technology; students improve technical skills Maintains students' interest outside of class Can have posts and information provided by guest speakers and subject-matter experts. Promotes personal responsibility - teach students how to use Facebook responsibly handout
Facebook Teaching Strategies Using Facebook Poll Your Class - use polls as an interactive teaching tool Follow news stories/people/events - news organizations, historic figures (past and present), and historic events (past and present) usually have Facebook pages. Bring literature (or other topic) to life - students create a Facebook representation of a work of literature Read book reviews and/or create book reviews using Facebook Create a Facebook page to be used as a study guide for an exam Practice a foreign language - students learning a foreign language can connect with native speakers through groups or fan opportunities handout
Facebook Dr. Cynthia Ford Add video link.
Facebook Facebook Sites – by Discipline See handout.
Creating a Facebook Page
Facebook Facebook Training See tutorial.
Facebook Searching Facebook Search Facebook for: Appropriate organizations Journals Subject-matter experts Activity
Lesson Planning
Facebook Lesson Plan Update your lesson plan guide. Include a Facebook activity that meets the learning objectives by: creating a custom Facebook page and incorporating at least one existing FB page Activity
Assessing Student Learning of Facebook Activities
Lesson Plan Assessment Assessment Refer to the Cross Papers booklet on assessment of student learning. Use one of the rubrics as a model to develop a rubric to assess your Facebook activity. Activity
Overview of Facebook Learning benefits of Facebook Teaching strategies using Facebook Searching Facebook Facebook pages by discipline Custom Facebook pages Lesson Plan activity Assessing Facebook activities Review
What is Twitter? Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Twitter in Plain English
Sample of Twitter Twitter
Learning Benefits of Twitter Twitter Helps students develop skills in information-gathering Helps students develop skills in writing succinctly Provides students with a tool for reflection Provides students with a vehicle for sharing information Creates a venue for collaborative learning Directs students' attention to current information regarding course topics handout
Teaching Strategies Using Twitter Twitter Twit Board - Tweet reminders to students regarding homework, project due dates, quizzes and tests, etc. Summing Up - Helps students focus on and write about a topic in a concise way (to summarize an article, video, or text) Twitter Stalking - Students can monitor the Twitter feeds from subject matter experts Micro Write - progressive collaborative writing; students agree to take turns to contribute to a 'story' Twit Links - Share a hyperlink of current, relevant information Twitter Pals - pair or group students to discuss important course concepts handout
Meet your Colleague Brenda Ward Watkins
Twitter Searches
Twitter Twitter Search – The Twitter Yellow Pages – Twitter Troll – Who Should I Follow? – handout
Twitter Searches Twitter Use one or more of the Twitter search engines to locate existing Twitter feeds for your teaching discipline and/or lesson plan. Activity
Twitter Twitter Feeds – by Discipline See handout.
Twitter Twitter Strategy – Without Twitter Face-to-Face Classes One-minute Paper with 140 characters. Write what You Know with 140 characters. Summarize a Reading – main point with 140 characters. Online Classes Discussion forum; have students respond to a question, reading, video, lecture, etc. in 140 characters. Assignment; have students respond to a question in 140 characters.
Creating a Twitter Feed
Twitter Twitter Training See tutorial.
Lesson Planning
Twitter Lesson Plan Update your lesson plan guide. Include a Twitter activity that meets the learning objectives by: creating a custom Twitter feed and incorporating at least one existing Twitter feed Activity
Assessing Student Learning of Twitter Activities
Lesson Plan Assessment Assessment Refer to the Cross Papers booklet on assessment of student learning. Use one of the rubrics as a model to develop a rubric to assess your Twitter activity. Activity
Overview of Twitter Learning benefits of Twitter Teaching strategies using Twitter Searching Twitter Twitter feeds by discipline Custom Twitter feeds Lesson Plan activity Assessing Twitter activities Review
Preparation for Next Session Review your lesson plans How could the use of video, audio, animations, and graphical elements enhance your lesson plans? Visit the following: o o o What resources do they have that are appropriate for your lesson plan?