200,000 abortions last year 7 million abortions since 1967
How long are the nerves in the human body? –45 miles –450 miles –4,500 miles
Many parts: one body Revelation 7:9 I saw a huge crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood before the throne and before the Lamb. Revelation 19:6 I heard what seemed to be a huge crowd that sounded like a roaring flood and loud thunder all mixed together. They were shouting, “Praise the Lord! Our Lord God All-Powerful now rules as king. So we will be glad and happy and give him praise.”
Many parts: one body every race, tribe, nation, and language
750,000 undiscovered species of plant & animal in the oceans
Many parts: variety 1 Corinthians 12:26 If one part of our body hurts, we hurt all over. If one part of our body is honoured, the whole body will be happy.
Oxford Vineyard Debt Centre
If one part of our body hurts, we hurt all over. If one part of our body is honoured, the whole body will be happy.
Many parts: unity Ephesians 4:3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit...
Psalm 133:1 How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It's like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron's beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that's where God commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.
Exodus 29:45 “I will live among you as your God, and you will know that I am the LORD your God, the one who rescued you from Egypt, so that I could live among you.”