Ectothermy and Endothermy Ectotherm—ecto=outside, therm=heat is an organism in which internal body heat are small or negligible in controlling body temperature. Such organisms ( example frogs) rely on environmental heat sources(sun light ).they are called “cold blood” animals.body temperature frogs Adaptations- Butterflies and moths may orient their wings to maximize exposure to sun light in order to build up heat in their body.
Endotherm endo=within," therm=heat is an organism that maintains constant body temperature, by it’s own metabolism process. endotherms are called as "warm- blooded.“ organisms.example– human.metabolism
amphibians adaptation( Pg.788), Living Amphibians are divided in to three group- 1.salamander 2.frog 3.caecilians Salamander(lizard)– 4 legs and tail, don't have lungs but breathe completely through their throats and their skin. Frog – frog have long legs that help to make long jump. Toads have short lungs no tail.. Caecilians( earthworm ) – live in moist soil and eat small invertebrates.
fish adaptations (Pg.781) Body Shape- scales are found all over body that prevents decay of body in water. gills help to get air. Tail Shape– tail act as radar. and provide directions. Coloration- help the fish to mix with environment and escape from enemy. Mouth Shape-- stream line body help the fish to swim easily
biome adaptations by animals ( Pg ) Desert– kangaroo rats conserve water in their kidney. Camel have pad on their legs to avoid hot sand. The food store in camel can survive for 30days with out food. Tundra --- polar bears go for hibernation to avoid starvation.
animal behaviors -- adaptations( Pg ) Japanese Monkey rinse the sweet potatoes in water before eating them. Birds detect earth magnetic field and use it for navigation. Spider weaves the web correctly the first time– innate behavior. Habituation-ignoring repeated stimulus. Ex. rag worm. Classical conditioning—stimulus bring response ex. Dog Imprinting--- very young animals such as duck, geese follow first moving object they see during early time in their life. This adaptation help the young ones to follow their mother
Do “section assessment” Page ( amphibian adaptation) Draw figure Pg.783 write adaptations. Do “section assessment” 30.2 Page (fish adaptation)