1 FAS Training 2016 SMR 2 Conservation of wild birds SMR 3 Conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna Carrick-on-Shannon, Charleville & Kilkenny February 2016 Integrated Controls Division
Overview Background Legislation Special Protection Areas – SPAs Special Areas of Conservation – SACs Non Designated Lands How to identify these areas and their requirements 2
Background 28 land mammals More than 400 species of birds 4,000+ plant species and Over 12,000 species of insects For these to survive, they require adequate suitable areas Most live on farms Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government is the Competent Authority 3
Historical Farming Situation Early 20 th Century in Ireland, small farms, each with tillage and various livestock Little or no pesticides or fertilisers used Very biodiverse Green and pleasant land 4
Agricultural Transformation Industrial revolution Agricultural revolution Mechanisation Increased production Increased population Pesticides Fertilisers Specialisation Land clearance, drainage and reclamation 5
Monocrop – no Biodiversity 6
Intensive Agriculture Any place for Biodiversity? 7
Environmental Consequences Loss of Hedgerows, wetland areas and biodiversity Rachel Carson – Silent Spring (1962) Increased social concern 9
Environmental Legislation -Birds Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (this is the codified version of Directive 79/409/EEC as amended) a.k.a. The Birds Directive SMR 2 – Conservation of Wild Birds Corncrake 10
SMR 2 Conservation of wild birds The Birds Directive bans activities that directly threaten birds, such as : deliberate killing or capture of birds, the destruction of their nests and eggs and taking of their eggs, associated activities such as trading in live or dead birds, and deliberate disturbance of the birds particularly during the period of breeding and rearing There are a few exceptions 11
Barnacle Geese, Sligo Dermot Healy – A Fool’s Errand 12
SMR 2 Conservation of wild birds Protects all wild birds MS obliged to designate and maintain areas for the protection of wild birds to be known as Special Protection Areas SPAs for Annex 1 birds Sites selected by NPWS Most sites are over 100 hectares in size 154 SPAs, most with individual SIs 570,000 hectares covered 13
It is the applicants responsibility to know if land is a SPA even if land is rented 14
SMR 2 Site Selection NPWS select a site for designation because it is a habitat for some of the Annex 1 birds. On-going since 1985 Habitat types include upland, wet grassland and scrub, blanket bogs and machairs Landowners were informed of the designation including maps and species relevant to the site and a list of Activities Requiring Consent (ARC)’s Landowner has right of appeal 15
Puffin 16
SMR 2 Activities Requiring Consent ARCs Total of 38 ARCs ARCs are site specific, one or more of these are relevant to any one site ARCs for each site are listed in their SI These form the basis of DAFM inspections Hen Harrier 17
The following birds can currently be captured or killed anywhere at any time of the year 18 Hooded (Grey) Crow Magpie Derogation to Birds Directive Collared Dove Rook Jackdaw Feral Pigeon Wood Pigeon
Other exemptions Species that are a threat to air space 19 Wild game birds may be hunted at certain times of the year “Open Season”
SMR 2 – Birds - Requirements for non designated lands Controls under SMR 2 applicable to all land Hunting, snaring/trapping, poisoning etc. Interfering with birds and/or nests during closed (nesting) period e.g. hedgecutting from 1 March to 31 August* 20
Environmental Legislation – Habitats, Flora and Fauna Council Directive 92/43/EEC as amended on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna a.k.a. The Habitats Directive SMR 3 – Conservation of Natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna 21
SMR 3 – Conservation of Natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna MS to designate Special Areas of Conservation - SACs The Directive lists certain habitats and species that must be protected within SACs Selected and designated by NPWS, similar to SPAs In Ireland - 13,500 km 2 – c. 53% of this is land 22
Habitats for which Ireland is especially important Machair Sand dunes Grey dunes Turloughs Raised Bogs Blanket Bogs Limestone pavement Old oak woods Rivers Sea Cliffs Large bays; reefs Oligotrophic lakes Sea caves 23
SACs in Ireland 24
Blanket Bog 25
Limestone Pavement 26
Species for which Ireland is especially important Lesser Horseshoe Bat Killarney Shad Kerry Slug Salmon Otter Freshwater Pearl Mussel Bottlenose Dolphin Killarney Fern Petalwort Marsh saxifrage 27
Petalwort 28
Marsh saxifrage 29
Kerry slug 30
SMR 3 – Notifiable Actions - NAs These are a list of activities for which the farmer must get written permission from NPWS Different list for each habitat or species These lists will be used as the basis of the inspection; if the farmer has complied with NAs they are considered compliant with the Directives 31
SMR 3 – Conservation of Natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna 423 SACs are undergoing transformation from Notifiable Actions to ARCs since 2012/13 Identify parcel that is within an SAC and the site code Consult list of Qualifying Interests to determine habitat type(s) Consult list of Notifiable Actions for site These form the basis for DAFM inspections Applicants responsibility to know if land is in a SAC 32
Where can you find out if land is designated?
How do I know the ARCs / NAs for my land? Landowners written to with list of ARCs ARCs for each site available on NPWS.ie 34
Scroll Down to Activities Requiring Consent 38
SPA example 2 (ARCs) 39
Finished Mink Bounty Introduced to Ireland in 1950s to create jobs in rural Ireland Escaped and naturalised Great swimmers – access to islands Kill birds, eggs and fish No enemy or diseases here €20,000 bounty of €3 per mink tail since Feb 2012 Hoped to kill 5,500 Administered by the NARGC 40
Natura 2000 Statistics SACs, 423+ sites, containing over 1 million hectares 65% land, 7% lake, 25% marine SPAs, 154 sites, 223,000 ha Equal parts land lake and marine Account for approx 15% of Ireland's land cover 30-40,000 farmers 41
More information Contact local NPWS conservation ranger onal%20contacts%20Sept.2013.pdf onal%20contacts%20Sept.2013.pdf NPWS helpline
Useful Links DAFM Agriculture.gov.ie NPWS.ie National Biodiversity Data Centre Biodiversityireland.ie Birdwatch Ireland Birdwatchireland.ie Invasive Species Ireland Invasivespeciesireland.com 43
He whose ear is untaught to enjoy the harmonious discord of the birds, travels alone when he might have company. “Edward Hamilton Aitken” Thank you 44 Young swallows