Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management” „Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management” VI Edition International Contest YPEF „Young People in European Forests” RECORDS OF POLISH ANIMALS
People need forests. They give oxygen which is essential for life and provide shelter and food for animals and plants living there. Poland has got a lot of natural wonders which survived human impact on the environment. Polish fauna compared to animals found i.e in tropics is not abundant. On the other hand, forests in Poland have got a lot of fascinating spiecies. We would like to present some of the most interesting ones!!!
EUROPEAN BISON (BISON BONASUS) The biggest and the most powerful terrestrial animal in Europe is European Bison. This mammal is a symbol of Białowieża Forest located in northeast of Poland. It is one of those spiecies, which became extinct but thanks to human efforts it came back to the environment. Body length: centimeters, including tail length approx. 50 centimeters Weight: kg male, kg female Number of young per litter: 1 Lifespan: at most 27 years Height of the withers: centimeters
MOOSE (ALCES ALCES) Moose is the biggest mammal belonging to the cervidae family. It is mainly spotted in northeast of Poland, however they can be found all across the country. Mooses can be even taller than European bisons thanks to extraordinary long legs. The tallest one hunted down in 1897 was 2.34 metre tall and its antlers were 1.99 metre wide. Unluckily, he weighed ’’only’’ 825 kg. Body lenght: centimeters, (including tail length 5-12 centimeters) Weight: up to 400 kg male, up to 230 kg female Number of young per litter: 1-3 Lifespan: at most 25 years Height of the withers: up to 200 centimeters
EURASIAN PYGMY SHREW (SOREX MINUTUS) Eurasian pygmy shrew is the smallest Polish mammal living all across the country but still it is less spotted compared to common shrew. Body length: 7,1 – 10,8 centimeters, (including tail length 3,2 – 4,4 centimeters) Weight: 2,6 - 6,3 g Number of young: 2-9 Lifespan: at most months
WHITE-TAILED EAGLE (HALIAEETUS ALBICILLA) White-tailed eagle in the biggest bird of prey in Poland. It is usually called „orzeł bielik” and it is considered to be an archetype of a bird found in Polish coat of arms. Its majestatic appearance brings admiration and terror among other species. Body length (including tail and beak): centimeters Weight: 3-5,5 kg male, 4-7 kg female Number of eggs: 1-3 Tail lenght: centimeters Wingspan: centimeters
GOLDCREST (REGULUS REGULUS) Goldcrest and related common firecrest are the smalles birds in Poland. However, goldcrest is spotted more ofted compared to its kin and that is why it was named the smallest of the smallest ones. Body length (including tail and beak) 9-9,5 centimeters Weight: 4-7,5 g Number of eggs: 8-12 Tail length: 4-4,5 centimeters Wingspan: 13,5-15,5 centimeters
PEREGRINE FALCON (FALCO PEREGRINUS) The fastest among Polish birds is Peregrine falcon, which attacks the prey with the speed of 300 km/h. Peregrine falcon is rarely spotted spiecies in Poland, and its population comes to pairs. Back in the day it was nearly extinct but thanks to protection gained from the Polish country peregrine falcon still can be found here. Body length (including tail and beak): centimeters Weight: 0,6-0,75 kg male, ,3 kg female Number of eggs: 2-4 (exceptionally 6) Tail length: 13,5-18 centimeters Wingspan: centimeters
AESCULAPIAN SNAKE (ZAMENIS LONGISSIMUS) Poland doesn’t have many types of reptiles, but we can be proud of one of the longest snakes found in Europe. Is is obviously Aesculapian snake and the longest representative was 2.25 centimeters long! Aesculapian snake is the biggest and the rarest snake found in Poland. It has the ability to climb the trees and shrubs. Body length: centimeters Weight: g Number of eggs: 5-12 Lifespan: years in captivity
EUROPEAN POND TURTLE (EMYS ORBICULARIS) This extraordinary animal lives in natural environment up to 120 years and it is considered one of the most long-living animals in Polish fauna. European pond turtle is the only representative of turtles in Poland. This reptile swims and dives perfectly and its name is connected with environment it lives in. Body length: centimeters Weight: up to 1,5 kg Number of eggs: 6-10 Lifespan: approx.120 years
FIRE SALAMANDER (SALAMANDRA SALAMANDRA) Fire salamander is the biggest salamander found in Poland. It usually is 20 centimeters long but the biggest one was more than 32 centimeters long. Its procreation takes place in clear and well-oxygenated Streams found in mountains. Body length:16-20 centimeters (up to 24 centimeters) Weight: g Number of young: Lifespan: 20 years (approx. 50 years in captivity)
HYLA (HYLA ARBOREA) Hyla is the only reptile with ability to climb the trees, move on the leaves and other smooth surfaces. It can be found all across the Poland, excluding the highest parts of the mountains. Body length: 3,5-5,5 centimeters Weight: 6-10 g Number of eggs: Lifespan: approx. 20 years
WELS CATFISH (SILURUS GLANIS) Wels catfish is the biggest predatory fish found in Polish inland waters. At the same time it is one of the biggest fish found in Europe. Body length: 1-1,5m (at most more than 2m) Weight: kg (at most more than 100 kg) Number of eggs: 30 thousand -1 million Lifespan: up to 80 years
Taking everything into consideration, in Poland unique species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish still can be found. They are an exception from the rule and that is one of the reasons why those animals are so fascinating, eye-catching and beautiful for the human eye. Thank you for taking your time and viewing our presentation !!! Thank you for taking your time and viewing our presentation !!!
REFERENCES ATLAS ilustrowana encyklopedia ZWIERZĄT POLSKI, J.Abramowicz, A.Drozd, wyd. P.H.W. FENIX ZWIERZĘTA w przyrodzie, M.Bouchner, L. i J.Knotkovie, wyd. Kalliope ENCYKLOPEDIA ZWIERZĄT, S. Weber, Wydawnictwo IBIS
AUTHORS Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Olimpijczyków Polskich w Długołęce Katarzyna Flamma, 1 A LO Alicja Gunia, 1 A LO Konrad Sieczkarek, 2 B LO