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Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: You are being recorded… This seminar will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: – You will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. Ask follow-up questions in the Hardware Forum: 45.aspx 45.aspx Twitter hashtag: #techsoup
talks! Presenters: Jim Lynch, TechSoup Matthew Halden, TechSoup Lisa Gunsauley, Redemtech Sponsored by Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers
Conference Call: Access Code: Today’s Speakers Answering chat questions: Andres Galves and Kevin Lo, TechSoup Becky Wiegand TechSoup Jim Lynch GreenTech Initiative Matthew Halden Refurbished Computer Initiative Lisa Gunsauley Redemtech
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Agenda Introductions TechSoup and Refurbishment Environmental Case 8 Tips for Choosing a Refurbisher TechSoup’s RCI Program Redemtech’s Example Resources and Q&A
talks! TechSoup’s Refurbishment Mission
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Our Refurbishment Mission “A well-developed computer reuse field could help solve two pressing social issues: the throw-away society and the digital divide.”
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: TechSoup Aims… To strengthen the computer reuse, repair, and refurbishing sector. To increase public and institutional awareness on how to donate or supply equipment to the reuse sector. To increase public awareness on the environmental value of electronics reuse. To divert a larger percentage of over-five-year-old computers and electronic equipment into responsible end-of-life recycling. To supply low or no-cost computers and electronic equipment to nonprofits, schools, and low-income individuals through the world.
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Environmental Case for Refurbished 75 percent of a PC’s energy consumption has already happened before a new computer is ever switched on. When you discard a 5 pound laptop you are also throwing away the 20,000 pounds of raw materials it took to make it. It is 25 times environmentally beneficial to reuse computers than to recycle them at 3 to 5 years of age. A six or seven year lifespan rather than three or four years means the environmental impact for even a fraction of the 1.1 billion computers now in use in world will be immense.
talks! 8 Tips for Choosing a Refurbisher
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Tips for Your Refurbished Search 1.Opt for brand name refurbished equipment so you can compare equipment specifications across companies. 2.Verify your refurbisher provides a warranty with a return policy. Normal is 30 to 90 day warranties. 3.Software on refurbished computers needs to be legal and come with authentic licensing. 4.Customer service and some tech support available by phone, , or in-person to help you choose the right equipment and deal with any defective equipment.
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Tips for Your Refurbished Search 5.When buying online make sure the website has secure transactions and good contact information if you have any problems. 6.Refurbished PCs should be half to 2/3 of an equivalent new model, including shipping. Equipment should include keyboard, mice, etc. 7.Will it be taken back conveniently at end-of-life at low or no cost? Do they provide free or low-cost hard drive wiping services so the data on your computer doesn’t get in the hands of anyone who can misuse it? 8.Look for clearly stated policies about the fail rates of their equipment (under 10% is ideal), whether they export e-waste, and comply with environmental laws which apply to them. The EPA does not certify any electronics recyclers or refurbishers, although many claim to be EPA certified.
talks! Refurbished Computer Initiative
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: About the RCI Program Our Mission How RCI works Eligibility Restrictions Helpful links –Program info: rci/default.asp rci/default.asp –Product listings: h ttp:// category.asp?catalog_name=T echSoupMain&category_name =Refurbished+Windows+Compu ter+Systems&Page=1&Cat1=Har dware&CatCount=1 h ttp:// category.asp?catalog_name=T echSoupMain&category_name =Refurbished+Windows+Compu ter+Systems&Page=1&Cat1=Har dware&CatCount=1
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: A Little About Our Products Desktop and Notebook offerings Pre-installed Microsoft Windows OS and Office Software 90-Day Warranty Quality TakeBack Program
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Impact Since its launch in 2006, RCI has distributed more than 14,000 computers and monitors, serving more than 6,000 nonprofits and libraries. Equivalent greenhouse gas reduction of removing 1,371 passenger cars for a year Enough energy savings to provide electricity to power 3,138 U.S. households in a year Based on mass, reusing this equipment saves landfills the equivalent to the solid waste generated by 61 U.S. households in a year
talks! Example Refurbisher: Redemtech
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Stability & Reliability Leader in e-Steward Standard A subsidiary of Micro Electronics Sustained, organic growth Stable Leadership –average tenure is 9+ years Industry leading operational maturity IDC G.R.A.D.E. endorsed Fully integrated international service –US, Canada, Europe, Mexico
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Average PC Lifecycle Secondary Lifecycle Months Economic Lifecycle 72 Months Decreasing asset value Decreasing Cost of Ownership $$ Market Opportunity Useful Life <96 months Decreasing Environmental Impact Enterprise Lifecycle Months Manufacturing Cost 240 Kg fossil fuels 22 Kg chemicals 1500 Kg water $$$$$ Reuse Opportunity
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Redemtech’s Refurbishment Checklist Efficient and mature operations Consistent quality control Warranted services and hardware Customer services and technical support Easy and free take-back program Low cost on parts and cosmetic repairs
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Refurbished Hardware Checkpoints Confirmation that unit meets spec, configuration, and cosmetic condition requirements Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) diagnostics testing Inspection of memory size, hard drive size, and wireless connectivity Upgrades/replacement of memory and hard drive, if necessary Data overwritten to meet Department of Defense requirements Microsoft OS and Office Suite imaging Internal inspection and cleaning Cosmetic restoration (buffing, painting) and exterior cleaning New keyboard and mouse with appropriate power cords Easy setup instructions and support information New-in-box packaging for secure and safe transport
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Redemtech’s Resources Visit –News bureau –White papers –Independent research –Blog –Regulatory database
Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers Conference Call: Access Code: Additional Resources –U.S. Government Federal Electronics Challenge: ources/docs/select.pdf ources/docs/select.pdf –TechSoup’s Refurbished Computer Initiative –GreenTech: Computer Recycling and Reuse – –Tips for Buying Refurbished Computers /page10057.cfm /page10057.cfm
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