The Human Brain Part 1
Vocabulary -Neuron-A cell that is the functional unit of the nervous system. -Dendrite - Is the branching process of a neuron that conducts impulses toward the cell. -Axon- the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body. -Synapse- Where nerve impulses are transmitted and received.
More vocab White Matter -Nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord. Primarily contains militated fibers and is nearly white. Grey Matter- Nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, that contains fibers and nerve cell bodies and is dark reddish-gray. Cortex- The outer layer of the cerebrum composed of folded gray matter and playing an important role of consciousness. Cerebrum- made up of the right and left hemispheres. The cerebrum’s functions are initiation of movement, coordination of movement, temperature, touch, vision, hearing, judgment, reasoning, problem solving, emotions and learning. Cerebellum- Is in the back of the brain/head. Functions of the cerebellum is the coordinate voluntary muscle movements and to maintain posture, balance, and equilibrium.
Lobes of the brain Frontal Lobe- Largest section of the brain located in the front of the head. Involved in the personality characteristics and movement. Recognition of smell also involved parts of the frontal lobe. Parietal Lobe- Middle of the brain. Helps to identify a person, object, and to understand spatial relationships. Also interprets pain and touch in the body. Temporal Lobe- Sides of the brain. Involves in memory, speech, musical rhythm, and some degree of smell recognition. Occipital Lobe- Back part of brain and involves vision.
More brain parts Brain Stem- Middle of the brain. The brainstem includes the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla. The functions of the brainstem are the movement of the eyes and mouth, relaying sensory messages (hot, pain, loud, etc.), hunger, respirations, consciousness, cardiac function, body temperature, involuntary muscle movements, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing. Medulla Oblongata- Lowest part of brainstem. Is the most vital part of the entire brain and contains important control centers for the heart and lungs. Pons- Deep part of the brain, in the brainstem. Contains many control areas for eye and face movements. Hippocampus - Main role is memory formation, classifying information, and long term memory. Processes and stores new memory to store long term. Amygdala- Is apart of the limbic system adjoining the temporal lobe of the brain and involves emotions of fear and aggression.
Corpus Callosum- Deeply situated transverse white fibers uniting the two halves of the cerebrum in humans and other mammals. Spinal Cord- A large bundle of nerves that extends from base of brain to the lower back. Carries messages to and from brain and the rest of the body. Right Brain- Controls activity on the left side of the body. Is on the right side of the corpus callosum. Left Brain- Language loop is found here. On the left side of the corpus callosum. Controls right side of the body.
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Central nervous system Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves Responsible for information center Helps with relaying information back and forth to brain to all parts of the body
Cerebellum Location of involuntary movement coordination muscle tone balance equilibrium (semicircular canals) coordinates some voluntary muscles
Cerebrum made up of the right and left hemispheres. movement coordination of movement temperature Touch,. vision, hearing, judgment, reasoning, problem solving Emotions learning
Frontal lobe Occipital Lobe Conception Judgment Speech Communication Personality Characteristics Back part of brain involves vision.
Parietal Lobe Controls sensations of Touch Taste Muscle sensations (including pain) Speech center; enables formation of words to express thoughts and emotions; interprets textures and shapes
Temporal lobe Location of sense of smell Auditory interpretation Stores auditory and visual experiences forms thoughts that precede speech
Brain Stem Middle of the brain. Contains midbrain pons, and the medulla. functions of the brainstem are the movement of the eyes and mouth relaying sensory messages (hot, pain, loud, etc.) hunger respirations. consciousness cardiac function body temperature involuntary muscle movements sneezing coughing vomiting swallowing
Medulla Oblongata Pons Medulla Oblongata- Lowest part of brainstem most vital part of the entire brain contains important control centers for the heart and lungs. /watch?v=UfC4u5GCy3I /watch?v=UfC4u5GCy3I Pons- Deep part of the brain in the brainstem. Contains many control areas for eye and face movements.
Hippocampus Amygdala Main role is memory formation, classifying information, and long term memory. Processes and stores new memory to store long term. Amygdala- Is apart of the limbic system adjoining the temporal lobe of the brain and involves emotions of fear and aggression.
Corpus Callosum Spinal Cord Corpus Callosum- Deeply situated transverse white fibers uniting the two halves of the cerebrum in humans and other mammals Spinal Cord- A large bundle of nerves that extends from base of brain to the lower back. Carries messages to and from brain and the rest of the body.
Right - Left Brain Right Brain- Controls activity on the left side of the body. Is on the right side of the corpus callosum. Left Brain- Language loop is found here. On the left side of the corpus callosum. Controls right side of the body.