International Relations (PSC )
Instructors Hans Peter Schmitz Haley Swedlund Are you registered for this class? Monday, January 14, 2008
Topics Introduction to global affairs Current issues in world politics Theories of international relations Tools to better understand global politics United Nations reform UN Security Council Human rights Management, etc. Monday, January 14, 2008
What are international relations? Political: States, IGOs, and NGOs Traditional (states only): War, diplomacy, sanctions, foreign aid, military alliances, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) Non-traditional (including non-state actors): Non- governmental organizations (NGOs), terrorism, drug trade Economic: Multinational corporations (MNCs) Trade in goods, financial services, remittances, sanctions, drug trade Social/Cultural: Ideas and individuals Migration, tourism, professional organizations, human rights, adoptions, religion, etc. Monday, January 14, 2008
From inter-national politics to global affairs? In the past Actors: States Issues: War and Peace Principles: State sovereignty and self-interst Power based on: military strength and economic development In the future? Actors: States, International organizations, business corporations, NGOs Issues: Trade, environment, global justice, development, etc. Principles: Interdependence and human rights Power based on: Capacity to cooperate; technologies to solve global problems Monday, January 14, 2008
The Basics I Are you registered for this class? Class web site Required reading available at SU Bookstore: 1. Henry R. Nau 2007, Three Perspectives on International Relations, 1st edition, CQ Press, Download readings from the class web site. Monday, January 14, 2008
The Basics II The requirements for this class are - (1) regular reading of the required materials before the sessions (2) regular attendance and active participation (3) mid-term (March 5) and final exam (May, TBA) (4) simulation on UN reform (presentation and position papers) Monday, January 14, 2008
The Basics III What counts Attendance/participation20 per cent Mid-term exam (March 5)20 per cent Final exam (May TBA)20 per cent Simulation (Friday)40 per cent Grades will be posted on Blackboard.Blackboard Monday, January 14, 2008
The Basics IV Attend and participate. Advice us before you are missing a lecture/section. Do not hesitate to ask questions and come to office hours. No make-up exams. Come to class on time. No talking and use of electronic devices. Do not cheat on any of the exams or assignments. Use the class web site every day. Monday, January 14, 2008
The simulation (Friday) Formation of working groups States, the UN Secretariat, NGOs Topics Composition of UN Security Council Human rights R2P (right to protect) NGO participation others Monday, January 14, 2008