Korea Suez Crisis The Congo The Gulf War Mozambique
Korea (1950 – 1953) Details of Aggression 25th June 1950 Communist North Korea invaded South Korea (weapons from Russia) – crossed 38th parallel UN’s response Security Council met at once (USSR was boycotting it) They had used veto 79 times from 1945 to 1955 The Council passed Resolution 82 Condemned (arbitration) North Korean aggression Ordered them back to 38th parallel
Korea (1950 – 1953) Details of Aggression North Korea refused to retreat UN’s response 2 days later – passed resolution allowing use of military force Army prepared Led by US General Douglas MacArthur 600,000 troops – 90% American (and 15 other countries) September 1950 Troops land and push North Korea back – want to reunite Korea
Korea (1950 – 1953) UN response MacArthur pushed north – past 38th parallel (got close to Chinese border) Details of Aggression Mao Zedong sent troops to support North Korea UN response UN withdrew to 38th parallel stalemate Ceasefire in July 1953
Korea (1950 – 1953) Why considered a success? UN acted quickly and assembled strong military force Repelled an aggressor and saved a state that had been attacked
The Suez Crisis (1956)
Background General Abdel Nasser was leader of Egypt from 1954 Creating international tension Helped Algerian rebels against France Supported terror attacks against Israel 26th July 1956 – nationalised Suez Canal Breaking treaty obligation Taking property of shareholders (Britain and France) Threatening trade (Western Europe’s oil supplies)
The Suez Crisis (1956) Details of Aggression October 1956 Britain, France and Israel secret deal that Israel would attack Egypt 29th October – attacks began (Israel) 30th October – Britain demands Israel and Egypt withdraw all troops around Suez Canal Nasser refused (his country) November 1st British and French troops bombed Egyptian airfields – destroyed airforce
The Suez Crisis (1956) UN’s response Security Council could not act – French and British vetoes 2nd November – General Assembly passed Resolution 997 (64 yes, 5 no) Ceasefire – withdrawal of all troops Details of Aggression 5th November Following plan – British and French invaded Egypt – military success – British people said ‘Law not War’ 2 ministers resigned USA threatened to withdraw help with debt USSR threatened rocket attacks
The Suez Crisis (1956) UN’s response 6th November – Anglo-French forces agreed ceasefire UN posted 6,000 peacekeepers to Egypt (15th November) – stayed until 1967 (cost 89 lives and $200 million) Why success? Acted quickly using political and military pressure Repelled aggression and preserved peace
The Congo (1960 – 1964) Background June 1960 Congo given independence (from Belgium) Patrice Lumumba – prime minister Kasai and Katanga broke away Want independence Details of Aggression Belgian government sent paratroops (100,000 Belgians living there) 12th July Lumumba asks UN for help
The Congo (1960 – 1964) UN Response Acted quickly 14th July – Security Council Resolution 143 Ordered Belgium out and sent peackeeping force (arrived in 2 days) – at peak – 20,000 men Aim to protect Congo’s government from rebels and restore political stabililty Detail of Aggression Lumumba removed in military coup by his army leader (Mobutu)
The Congo (1960 – 1964) UN Response Troops stayed UN Secretary-General went to Congo Met warring parties – used arbitration By early 1961 – partly successful – fighting in Kasai ended Detail of Aggression Still fighting in Katanga
The Congo (1960 – 1964) UN response ‘Operation Grand Slam’ – 1962 Military offensive Defeated rebels in Katanga
The Congo (1960 – 1964) Why success? By January 1963 – Congo reunited Prevented Congo from breaking up UN force withdrawn by June 1964 Acted quickly using arbitration and troops Prevented outside troops intervening (Belgium) Gave humanitarian aid Achieved settlement to the civil war Although Congo not entirely successful
The Gulf War (1991)
Details of Aggression 2nd August 1990 – Iraq invaded Kuwait UN Response Acted at once Security Council condemned action and demanded withdrawal 6th August – Resolution 661 – economic sanctions diplomacy
The Gulf War (1991) Details of Aggression Saddam Hussein refused to budge UN Response November 1990 – Resolution 678 military action if Iraq failed to withdraw by 15th January 1991 Coalition – 34 nations – armed force of 500,000 16th January – ‘Desert Storm’ began Aerial assault – destroying Iraqi airforce on the ground Then 88,000 tons of bombs dropped on Iraqi troops
The Gulf War (1991) UN Response 23rd January – ‘Desert Sabre’ Land attack – Iraqi army very week. Hundreds had surrendered Why success? Ceasefire agreed on 27th February Hussein still in power but weapons inspectors allowed in Used diplomatic, economic and military means Raised a powerful military force Repelled an aggressor Used consensus among major powers – no real conflict
The Gulf War (1991)
Mozambique (1990 – 1994) Background 1977 – civil war began in Mozambique Details of Aggression Civil war UN Response 1990 – asked to arbitrate Talks in Rome Took 12 rounds of meetings over two years to reach agreement UN kept talks alive
Mozambique (1990 – 1994) Why success? October 1992 – two parties signed ‘General Peace Agreement’ – arbitration succeeded UN would monitor peace and disarm local troops UN would arrange elections for new government UN would provide humanitarian assistance as needed UN Response ,000 soldiers demobilised, 155,000 weapons seized Could begin humanitarian work
Mozambique (1990 – 1994) Why success? By 1994 – 2.5 million displaced people resettled Death rate of children halved 1994 – new elections held and formed new government Achieved peace by December 1994 Although lost 26 people and $500 million
Key Factors in Successes of League and UN Speed of Response UN Security Council is in permanent session can act quickly (days). The League often took weeks if not months. Examples of quick responses Aaland Islands and Upper Silesia (weeks) Korean War and Congo (days) Examples of slow responses Manchuria and Abyssinia (months) Mozambique (months – problems with arbitration. UN kept talks going)
Key Factors in Successes of League and UN Arbitration Has worked well when countries accept rulings. Only works when nations are willing to accept outcomes Examples of successful arbitration Aaland Islands, Greek-Bulgarian War, the Congo (Kasai reunited), Mozambique Examples of unsuccessful arbitration Manchuria, The Gulf War
Key Factors in Successes of League and UN Military Force Key to solving disputes for the UN, but only against relatively small states. League had no army Examples of successful use of military Korea, Suez, Congo, Gulf War, Mozambique
Key Factors in Successes of League and UN Humanitarian Aid Often sent by UN to support (follow-up on) military action Examples Congo and Mozambique