Section 4: Foreign Aid and Alliances The United States works with other nations to keep the peace and to ensure political stability around the world. American foreign aid strengthens the economies and security of nations important to the United States. Alliances provide for a common defense among allied nation.
Foreign Aid Foreign Aid: economic and military aid to other countries. Began with the Lend-Lease program in the 1940s Sent more then $500 billion in aid to more then 100 countries in the world Marshall Plan: $12.5 billion into 16 European nations between 1948 and 1952
Foreign Aid Military assistance has become a large part of aid Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America are now the largest receivers of aid Most aid money is used to buy American goods and services Agency for International Development (AID) administers economic aid while the military aid is handled by the Defense Department
Security Alliances & NATO North Atlantic Treaty signed in 1949 created NATO NATO was formed to promote the collective defense of Western Europe, particularly against the Soviet Union “an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all” Defense includes military intervention in conflicts that might destabilize Europe
The United Nations The UN was formed at the United Nations Conference on International Organization The U.S. was the first to ratify the UN Charter on July 24, Purposes of the UN: the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations between and among all nations, and the promotion of justice and cooperation in the solution of international problems. Currently has 191 members Six “Principal Organs”: General Assembly, Security Council, Trusteeship Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat.
General Assembly “The town meeting of the world” Meets once per year in NYC Much like the Senate, each nation is represented based upon Statehood and not population Makes “UN recommendations” not laws
UN Security Council Bears the major responsibility for maintaining international peace 15 members including five permanent members (U.S., Britain, France, Russia, and China) and 10 non- permanent members which serve two-years terms and rotate Each of the five permanent members has veto power
Economic and Social Council 54 members serve three-year terms Responsible for carrying out economic, cultural, educational, and health related duties Works with international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization
Trusteeship Council Hasn’t done anything since 1994 Make sure than UN territories become self-governing
International Court of Justice Known as the World Court Made up of 15 judges from different nations who serve nine-year terms Has no original jurisdiction or appellate jurisdiction All cases are voluntary and decisions not legally binding
The Secretariat The civil service of the UN (the 40,000 bureaucrats who run the day to day operations of the U.N.) Headed by the Secretary General who is elected to a five year term by the General Assembly after recommendation by the Security Council