1 UNCLASSIFIED Welcome to the 2009 Joint Lessons Learned Working Group 25 August 2009 Operational Plans and Joint Force Development Directorate (J-7), The Joint Staff Mr. Shelby Ball J7, Joint Lessons Learned Branch
2 UNCLASSIFIED Overview Admin Remarks WJLLWG Agenda Review Master Deck Issue Slides
3 UNCLASSIFIED Admin Remarks Unclassified discussions only Cell phones and pagers – please silence tones Breaks are as per agenda Complete surveys please Sign in if you did not sign in yesterday
4 UNCLASSIFIED Time Topic Briefer 25 August Agenda Welcome/Day One Wrap UpMr. Ball Way Ahead / Master Deck Issue Slides Mr. Ball Break The JLLP and the NEPLtCol DeMorat Break Joint Issues Resolution WGLtCol DeMorat Break CJCSMMr. Ball Lunch Status of JLLIS Configuration Review Board (CRB) Items Mr. Barr Break CRB 09-2Mr. Barr Break Outbrief to JS J-7 JETDMr. Ball WJLLWG Wrap-UpMr. Ball
5 UNCLASSIFIED Date/Time Topic Briefer Training Agenda 25 Aug/ JLLIS Basic User Training Mr. Snyder, JPRA 26 Aug/ JLLIS Basic User Training JS J-7 JLLB 27 Aug/ JLLIS Basic User Training JS J-7 JLLB *Training conducted in the Cyber-Cafe` (Colorado Ballroom D)
UN UNCLASSIFIED 6 Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) Issue : The Joint community lacks a single automated support system to discover, apply, share and research joint lessons. Discussion: The Department of Defense (DOD) Lessons Learned Community lacks a repository capability as well as the input support tools vital to effective knowledge management. Funded for : Fiscal Year 2010 funded for development. JLLIS hardware/servers will be moved to a Joint Staff approved new location by Sep The Joint Lessons Learned Working Group uses the Configuration Review Board (CRB) process to identify and prioritize requirements for incorporation into the JLLIS. The following have JLLIS: Combatant Commands, Services, National Guard, but not the Coast Guard; some Combat Support Agencies (CSA); the Department of State, United States Agency for International Development and the United States Department of Agriculture; others in education community are TBD. Endstate: Enterprise, web based, Global Information Grid (GIG) compliant JLLIS with input and management tool, with a federated/distributed database for all JLLIS stakeholders. POA&M: JLLIS capability using an open architecture is being fielded to Combatant Commands, Services, CSAs, Interagency, and other organizations; JLLIS is GIG-compliant, net-centric, web-services enabled and will be linked to other DOD systems like the Joint Doctrine, Education and Training Electronic Information System; Joint Training Information Management System, and the Defense Readiness Reporting System. OPRs: JS J-7 JETD, OSD Policy; OCR: DOD components Briefer: Mr Ball MAR 08 CRB SEP 08 JLLIS IOC & CRB OCT 08 POM’D FY09 CRB JLLIS MOVED SEP 10AUG 09 CRB MAR 10 CRB SEP 11 JLLIS FOC MAR 09 CRB JLLIS PREPARED FOR MOVE APR 10
UN UNCLASSIFIED 7 Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) Updated Issue : The Joint community lacks a single automated support system to discover, apply, share and research joint lessons. Discussion: The Department of Defense (DOD) Lessons Learned Community lacks a repository capability as well as the input support tools vital to effective knowledge management. JLLIS underfunded for development in FY08-09: FY10-13 funding is to be determined. JLLIS hardware/servers will be moved from MCCLL to a Joint Staff approved location by Sep The Joint Lessons Learned Working Group uses the Configuration Review Board (CRB) process to identify and prioritize requirements for incorporation into the JLLIS. The following have JLLIS: Combatant Commands, Services, National Guard, but not the Coast Guard; some Combat Support Agencies (CSA); the Department of State, United States Agency for International Development and the United States Department of Agriculture; others in education community are TBD. Endstate: Enterprise, web based, Global Information Grid (GIG) compliant JLLIS with input and management tool, with a federated/distributed database for all JLLIS stakeholders. POA&M: JLLIS capability using an open architecture is being fielded to Combatant Commands, Services, CSAs, Interagency, and other organizations; JLLIS is GIG-compliant, net-centric, web-services enabled and will be linked to other DOD systems like the Joint Doctrine, Education and Training Electronic Information System; Joint Training Information Management System, and the Defense Readiness Reporting System. OPRs: JS J-7 JETD, OSD Policy; OCR: DOD components Briefer: Mr Ball POM’D FY09 OCT 08 CRB AUG 09 MAR 10 CRB MAR 11 CRB MAR 09 JLLIS AT NEW LOCATION JUL 10 JLLIS MOA TERMINATED JUL 09 JTIMS HYPERLINK NOV 09
UN UNCLASSIFIED 88 JTIMS and JLLIS Integration Issue : No capability exists to automatically transfer data between Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) and Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS). Discussion: a. JTIMS and JLLIS are separate and complementary collection tools for observations. b. Task Performance Observations (TPOs) submitted to JTIMS may have joint lessons learned applicability, requiring submission to the Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) via JLLIS. c. TPOs may identify an issue requiring joint issue resolution; per definitions of JLLP, final resolution of an issue would provide a lesson learned, which should be included in the joint lessons learned data base, provided by JLLIS. d. JLLIS observations may provide additional information to better enable the development of a Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE) or Training Proficiency Assessment (TPA). e. DoDI states that each combatant command, CSA, and Military Department (Service) shall determine which performance observations [in JTIMS] should be elevated in status to a lesson learned, and that these lessons learned should be included in the JLLP through JLLIS. f. The lack of this automated linkage hinders the transfer of data between JTIMS and JLLIS Endstate: The capability to exploit the knowledge gained during an exercise to both enhance the training audience leaders’ assessment process and benefit the lessons learned community in the planning and execution of future exercises and events. POA&M: OPRs: OCRs: TBD 09AUG 09TBD Briefer: LCDR Jaureguizar
UN UNCLASSIFIED 9 Issue : Combatant Commands and Services need an automated collaboration tool for joint issue resolution. Discussion: a. Current process does not provide effective collaboration between combatant commands, combat support agencies (CSA), and Services, with well defined decision points. b. Issues requiring joint resolution do not have sufficient transparency to allow stakeholders to maintain visibility of resolution progress and allow continuous updating of issue through final resolution. c. The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) defines issues as validated observations that require corrective action. This validated observation does not become a lesson learned until the corrective action is employed and verified to solve the noted deficiency. However, the JLLP does not provide a system for how joint issues should be resolved in a collaborative environment. d. A joint issue resolution system needs to include existing requirements process, such as Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System. e. DoDI , DoD Participation in National Exercise Program (NEP), includes the interaction of the DoD and NEP After Action Review. The DoD process to support this instruction, to include collaboration and information sharing requirements between DoD and the interagency, and use of existing joint tools to enable this process, needs to be codified. Endstate: An automated joint issue resolution system integrated into the JLLP providing the ability for all combatant commands, CSAs, and Services to recommend issues for joint resolution, collaborate on existing issues, and maintain visibility on the progress of all existing issues, with decision points and authorities identified to approve and execute the corrective action plan. This issue resolution system should be compatible with interagency resolution systems, such as the Department of Homeland Security Corrective Action Program. POA&M: OPRs: OCRs: Joint Issue Resolution System TBD 09AUG 09TBD Briefer: Mr Ball
UN UNCLASSIFIED 10 DOD Participation Challenges in the National Exercise Program SEP 08 SEP 08 – JUN 09 NLE TIER I Details approved FY09-13 NEXS Conf and 5-year schedule to DC and approved DOD Process Completed Combatant commands involved In 5-yr NEP calendar APR 08 FEB 09 NEP 5-year Scheduling Conf Completed Briefer: Col Fennell AUG 09 Update at WJTSC 09-2 Issue : DOD Participation Challenges in the National Exercise Program (NEP) Discussion: a.New administration transition - Homeland Security Council (HSC)/National Security Council (NSC) structure has changed somewhat, but and the role of the HSC Exercise/Evaluation Sub-Integrated Policy Committee (IPC) has not changed. b. 5-Year scheduling challenges in the NEP: No fidelity in future years for Tier I, II, or III exercises; info on state(s) and dates; prohibits future planning for required funding, resources and forces. (National Level Exercise and planning dates through 2010 and some for 2011 have been established). Endstate: Improved joint training effectiveness and efficiency as directed by Chairman’s Joint Training Guidance. Supported / supporting roles consistent with Plans / Unified Command Plan. Staffs build relationships, conduct realistic rehearsal with actual counterparts. POA&M: -Use Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference, deconfliction and combatant command annual exercise conferences to link multiple exercises, taking advantage of NEP to link exercises / integrate mission areas to ensure regional / mission area coverage. -Formal process for DOD submissions to NEP has been briefed but not captured in a Chairman’s Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction. Still need more fidelity on future years exercises regarding dates/themes. -Support DHS / FEMA / National Exercise Division efforts and use of the National Exercise Simulation Center (NESC) (located at FEMA HQ) to provide national level interagency exercise support and exercise control capabilities. OPR: JS J-7 JETD; OCRs: DHS, USNORTHCOM
UN UNCLASSIFIED 11 Issue : Direct Joint War Fighting Center (JWFC) / Deployable Training Teams (DTT) to use Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) Execution Tab and Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS), when requested by combatant commands, during JWFC supported exercises, to capture observations for future combatant command corrective actions. Discussion: a. CJCS and DOD mandate JTIMS and JLLIS as the observation and evaluation and lessons learned tools for combatant commands during joint exercises. b. Combatant commands receive JWFC / DTT and support for two designated exercises per year. c. During previous USNORTHCOM exercises, JWFC / DTTs do not record observations in JTIMS for training proficiency and JLLIS for command level issues and processes d. JWFC / DTT non-use of JTIMS and JLLIS is not cost and time effective; JWFC / DTT personnel render observations and recommended corrective actions, but non-recording of these observations in JTIMS and JLLIS negate the purpose of JTIMS and JLLIS being a data source and means for future corrective actions. e. Providing JWFC / DTT personnel JTIMS and JLLIS accounts and training requires minimal time and effort and would be accomplished by combatant command personnel prior to exercise start day. d. Directed use provides common systems of record. End state: Beginning FY10, JWFC / DTT personnel, if requested by combatant commands, use JTIMS and JLLIS to record observations during JWFC supported exercises. POA&M: JWFC / DTT coordinate with combatant command exercise planners during Joint Event Life Cycle requirements to use JTIMS and JLLIS. OPR: Joint Staff J7 OCRs: USJFCOM and combatant commands Ongoing Issue identified and resolved at WJTSC JTIMS and JLLIS coordination during JELC JTIMS and JLLIS used by JWFC during combatant command exercises JWFC Use of JTIMS and JLLIS During Exercises OCT 10 AUG 09 Briefer: Lt Col Livergood
12 UNCLASSIFIED Questions?