ENTRY TASK Take out your homework Devolution Web Quest Any questions?
Objectives Content: We will be able to explain how a supranationalist organization works. Language: We will be able to navigate a website in order to find the information we need about a topic.
Suprnational Organizations Defined Organizations that extend beyond the borders of three or more states that seeks to promote economic, political, or cultural unity between members.
The UN The United Nations Established after World War II Partially responsible for preventing World War III Allows member states to discuss and fix world problems Allows all nations a voice 15 member security council (5 permanent members) U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China 193 members of the General Assembly 2 observer states: they can talk but not vote Vatican City and Palestine
Organizations of the UN World Trade Organization Trying to eliminate trade barriers worldwide Helps settle trade disputes World Bank Provides loans to developing nations for capital improvements Example: building infrastructure
UN Peace Keepers Responsible for dividing opposing forces and providing peace and stability until a peace treat can be made Volunteer soldiers from member nations Very strict rules of engagement
THE IMF International Monetary Fund Cooperative organization trying to provide financial stability Helps the expansion of international trade Promotes high levels of employment Promotes exchange stability Maintains orderly exchange arrangements among members Allows for easier repayments Makes fund available to members who need them
The African Union Organized in 2001 and includes 54 nations Morocco is the only state not a part of the union Helps to promote stability and development in Africa Encourages democratic governance Increased cooperation and communication Building of infrastructure Increases living standard of all
Economic Unions/Trading Blocs Attempt to foster unity through economic cooperation Remove trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, and currency exchange restrictions
The EU European Union Formed in 1883 to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation and unity between members Monetary Union allowing for free flow of people and goods Single currency Very few restrictions on movement of people
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Coordination of oil production to ensure the stability of the market Promotes economic and regular supply of oil to customers Ensures a steady income to producers Promotes fair return on investments
NAFTA North America Free Trade Association Promotes trade cooperation between Canada, Mexico, and the United States Removal of some tariffs (taxes on imported goods) Has increased trade among the three Unequally in United States’ favor
Mercosur Southern Common Market Set up in 1991 Full customs union in 1994 Promotes free trade Can arbitrate trade disputes between members Regulates imports and exports
Collective Security Unions Members work together to provide mutual defense for one another against outside aggressors Promote peace through creation of super blocs
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Create din 1949 to provide mutual protection to members Originally meant to counter threats of Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact Been involved around the world Currently in Afghanistan, Horn of Africa, Kosovo, and supporting the African Union
7YJBFRRFG “The European Union Explained”
Suprnationalism Graphic Organizer Using the laptops you will complete a graphic organizer on the EU, UN, and NATO. You may work with a partner on this assignment. Visit the following sites to complete your assignment: DUE FRIDAY, Dec. 11 (goal is to finish in class today)
Homework Criticism of Supranationalism Assignment Pick a supranational organization UN, NAFTA, EU, WTO, IMF, OPEC, NATO, African Union, Mercosur, etc. Research about this organization and answer questions. CITE YOUR SOURCES DUE: FRIDAY, Dec. 11