All Learners Learning Every Day Gear-Up for Group Learning is part of to learn more go to:
Learning Gauge Before you begin, take a moment to make your current thinking about and experience with group learning visible. Use the following anticipation/reaction guide to track changes in your thinking as you learn more about group learning.
Group Learning 1234 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree My opinion based on my experiences StatementsMy opinion after gear-up for group learning When students work in groups, some students usually complete most of the tasks I manage groups by circulating from group to group My students evaluate the outcomes and processes of group learning Discussing with peers helps my advanced students learn My students use their time effectively in group learning
Gear-Up for Group Learning Goals 1.Define group learning.
Gear-Up for Group Learning Goals 1.Define group learning. 2.Describe the impact of group learning on student learning and teaching.
Gear-Up for Group Learning Goals 1.Define group learning. 2.Describe the impact of group learning on student learning and teaching. 3.Use keys to guide precise, effective, and efficient implementation of group learning.
Why: Impact on Student Learning Fosters collaborative thinking Share ideas with others Ask clarifying questions Value the opinions of others Build learning through interaction Furthers understanding Demands the use of academic vocabulary to communicate Makes thinking and understanding visible
Why: Impact Teaching Teacher is free to: Observe and assess Teach a mini-lesson to a small group Conference with an individual
Goal: To discover patterns and surprises among our experiences. Rounds Roles Task Listener Presenter Listener
Talk – Think - Open Exchange Talk Think Repeat once for each person in your group Open Exchange Task Listener Presenter Listener
Gears for Group Learning Goal is collaborative and stated (e.g. exchange, build, combine) Evaluation criteria are visible Agreed process (formation, steps, time) Roles are defined Starting place is clear and participants are prepared
Group Learning Preparation (before getting into group) Goal/Purpose: (exchange, build, combine) Formation: (how to group) Roles: Role (task ) and Role (task ) Starting Point: Rounds: 1. (time) Think 2. (time) Think 3. (time) Open Exchange - Reflection – task and process, plans for next time
Gears for Group Learning
Assessing Group Learning Setting Goals
Check answers by sharing one at a time using rounds Answer
Group 1 Discussed: #1 #5 #9 #10 Question Teacher monitors group through recorders notes
Scaffolding Group Learning Different ways to practice and support students in developing the habit of independent group work The teacher’s role is listener/observer or to lead or participate in one group.
Results in Student Driven Learning Learners: 1.understand their own strengths and needs, 2.take responsibility for and independently pursue their learning, and 3.use peers as a resource for learning.
Plan Monitor Reflect Control
Five Daily Routines Support Student Driven Learning
Group Learning Assessment Self-regulation Structured Choice Specialized Instruction
Understanding Goals 1.Diversity makes us stronger? 2.Growth requires meeting needs? 3.Seekers often find things? How does what you have learned about group learning answer these questions?
All Learners Learning Every Day